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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Nice bag

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Those bags (I now have several because I like them so much) have hand handles and shoulder straps.  I use them for taking the wash out to the lines and back in, taking multiple things places, taking anything upstairs, bringing in groceries changing out my clothing for each season, etc.  They are like $2 each and wear like iron. I have been using mine for probably 8 years now!


WoooooWOOO I am so grateful to MY GOD for answering my prayers dear friend @YoungAtHeart 

Oh Nancy i so glad your up and moving and enjoying your day 

Thank you so much for all the hope and experience you have given me since 2011

You are my inspiration and hope to just keep moving 

I remember all the wisdom you have shared when you fell and were in those therapy sessions trying each day to get stronger and do those stairs so you could go home 

Years of life on life's terms shared by you and your self care with your victories each time you had to fight for your own physical health

You are a shining example of encouragement to just do it for yourself no one is going to do it for you 


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 my mommie loved hanging out her laundry too thanks for sharing 

Fresh air smelling jammies are the best 

Thanks for the good memories of my momma who has been dead 7 months on January 1 2024 

I do love good memories to oil my soul my mind my will my emotions  my personal grieving for my momma to let grief have its way and keep moving forward 

Thanks for getting me through grief and to teach me gratitude and to keep moving forward I appreciate you dear Nancy all these years

thanks again I remember to just breathe and keep moving forward 


@indingrl ~ What precious testimony to our beloved Nancy and also to your precious Mom.  Also, my dear and cherished friend, I am trusting you have come upon my response to your post about my quit date~ 😘 @Anonymous ~Wow! Early rising! I am so amazed by your health-driven plans for the coming year. Happy you are enjoying the library;s fireplace!! Also, I have not been outside since Friday morning due to unmelted ice plus additional snow accumulation here. Actually I have been "down" with a painful back and am doing very little at present. Yesterday's day-long heating pad use seemed to have helped but awoke in pain again this morning so applied pain pads to the area. Getting up and down to bed, chair, couch AND toilet quite difficult and just the act of walking hurts. So no exercise nor was I able to clean the now total of 6-7 inches of snow off my car nor was I able to move my car when the plow came to keep from having it plowed in. Darren has called and he will be here tomorrow after a late-afternoon after work meeting to shovel me out. And Doris got me some milk today. So I am blessed by caring people ❣️ @Wozlik ~ Such a loving thing, to create a handmade quilt for Stetson! Also, your links for Nancy look so interesting that I will be reading them as well! @Sootie ~ I really enjoyed reading your detailedd comments to so many and idenify with your term 'enforced relaxation!" (But I have so many things I waant to be doing, boo hoo.) @RainbowHeart ~ I just love your precious live kitty bookends!! TRusting that your homemade soup helped you feel somewhat better! @YoungAtHeart ~ Sending daily wishes for more strength and an aappetite to starat your gaining back that weight. @Cousin-Itt ~missing you anad hope all's well with you and Joyce and the family. To the rest of the crew-- both old and new-- who I have not specifically mentioned ny name, pease know I am thinking of you as well and wishing you the best. ~Suzy


@SuzyQ411  Praying that you get some relief for your back.  @Sootie  No snow here yesterday, probably in the 50's and my son is visiting cos he graduated Univ. of Washington and they are playing Michigan Univ in football here, this afternoon in a championship game.  We spent our time outside.  Our winter garden is still producing like crazy.  I woke up too early this morning and I don't feel like a workout.  I am doing the bedding laundry though, so I am moving, but I have the sense this is going to be a slow moving day.  I love having company over yesterday, and I am thinking today will be much more relaxed.  Goooooooo UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON!!!!!


Today was an eventful day. My ex's weekday care provider found him on the floor beside his bed when she arrived there this morning. Luckily no fractures but they will do a brain MRI toorrow as not sure if he may have hit his head. Was found to have Covid again (source unknown-- he is homebound and Darren who cared for him over the weekend plus his weekday care provider have both tested negative .....) So the family is in somewht of a turmoil...

My back is improved enough that I was able to get out this morning ahead of the storm to get needed supplies. I had to laugh at myself getting in and out of the car--it was quite a trick, lol. @Giulia is sending me the bed exercises for her back that her PT ordered and I will be asking my Dr. for hopeful approval as my scoliosis issue is a chronic one.

We are now in the midst of heavy winds and rain; just heard on the news that the gusts are measuring up to 78 mph and that 10,000 in our county are without power, including those on the north end of town and some on the eastside. There are many trees and electrical wires down. Same in the two surrounding counties. Luckily we here on the south side are fine at this writing. So, it's been an interesting day!! @biscuit9 ~ When you say Washington University are you speaking of Washington State? I ask as I lived in north-central WA for 14 years until Pete died in 2014 and I then moved back east. We were on the east side of the Cascades in the "boonies" vs. the west side which is where Seattle is...  Thanks, BTW, for you prayers regardig my back! @Anonymous ~ Sounds lke you are listening to your body as to making workout plans. Thanks so much for your well wishes, thoughts, on my back. Am gonna tke a break now as the power blinked off for a sec with the last gust. Be back as it feels safe to do so....






Wow, Trigirl, just in awe.  praising the lord smiley  And some walking in between just signifies you MIGHT just be like the rest of us mortals!

For me.  I copped out.  I've said to myself, gotta go for bike ride.  Next day GOTTA go for a bike ride.  Today GOTTA GO FOR A BIKE RIDE.  Just - couldn't get it up.  Excuse (not really) but there is NO break in the weather.  Endless high 80s, low 90s and humidity that kills you.  And because the daylight is changing, I can't get out there late enough so that it's cooler enough... oh waaa waaa waaa.  

BUT I did at least vacuum and iron today (ironing is HELL on the knees, by the way, because you're standing and the joints aren't lubricating) and yesterday I blew some leaves and played some croquet with my husband,  scrubbed a tub (until you've reached your older years - let's say over 60 -  you really won't know what scrubbing a bathtub is in terms of "moving")..  You know, sometimes we just get tired of doing the same thing day in and day out.  And it tends to wear us down emotionally (or at least ME) and so we need a bit of time to just chill and agree that it's okay to slack off now and again.  We all need recoup time.  Not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally.  So I'm aiming for tomorrow to get back on my bike.

Point is, for those who need it, I'm not sitting here beating myself up because I DIDN'T DO WHAT I SHOULD HAVE WOULD HAVE COULD HAVE the past 5 days by getting out there and biking.  That BEST of us is still gonna keep screaming at us.  And we'll eventually listen.  And if we don't - well, we'll pay the piper - won't we?


Giulia wrote:

Just - couldn't get it up. 

Story of my life!

There are days that is the case for me too, we are only human! Besides cutting up some vegetables, I really didn't do anything today. 

You said it best, you'll get at it, or you won't. You aren't spending your day in the recliner, and that is kind of the point, right? 

PS, TriGirl‌, Kelly may be an immortal who was feeling the effects of weakening due to being closer to the sun!


"Point is, for those who need it, I'm not sitting here beating myself up because I DIDN'T DO WHAT I SHOULD HAVE WOULD HAVE COULD HAVE the past 5 days by getting out there and biking."

Well said. Guilt is not a great motivator. Guilt will only lead to a why bother attitude. Doing what you can when you can and taking a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel is the recipe for success. 

I don't go out in humid and hot midday either Giulia‌. And if it's not going to be at least a little enjoyable, it becomes a chore rather than a hobby.


Good points sharing dear friend @TriGirl and so good to hear from you too thank you for your kindness and experience too 

I appreciate you

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