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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Despite windchill of 25 degrees because of low temps and 15-35 mph winds from the NW, I went for a 40 minute walk, and was rewarded on the woodland path by my Red Fox sitting majestically in the middle of the path about a block ahead, watching my approach.  Of COURSE when I finally got out my phone and turned it on to grab a photo, he was off and running into the brush.  Walk wasn't too bad with sun on my face and wind at my back, but BOY it was a long way home when the opposite was true. 

STILL glad I did it!!


YoungAtHeart‌  Not that it matters IN THE LEAST.....but do you remember yesterday I asked you what vaccine you got and you replied Pfizer? Where is that ask and answer?? I don't see it? I see your post about your daughter driving you for the vaccine.............that is the post I asked the question on but I don't see my question or your answer. Again...trivial.....but I find this happens a lot. wondering if you know???? OR ANYONE?? I in the wrong place????

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"Youngatheart.7.4.12   Which one did you get?"

It was on THIS blog:  /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2021/01/21/stressing-about-tomorrow 

and my answer was Pfizer!

0 Kudos

YoungAtHeart‌  OH!!!!! That's right!!!

Oh my!!! I think I am getting old!!!!

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Oh, no  - I got YOU beat by about a mile (and a half!!!!)

...I probably just have less of which to keep track...!

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So-----lots of moving today. Went out back to try and clean up the yard a is frozen solid out there with lots of snow...but small branches that have broken off due to snow are all over and other started off with some COLD AIR in the morning.

Did my usual cleaning and then off to the grocery store for some much needed food (at this point we had coffee and carrots.....that was about it).

This afternoon, went for a long walk. Despite the FREEZING COLD it was quite nice. Really enjoyed it. 

If I am reading facebook correctly (and I may not be) it is JACKIE1-25-15‌ BIRTHDAY!! If I am correct....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!!! And, if I am not, then just have a HAPPY USUAL DAY!

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 Sootie  GOOD moving!  Seems like the cold is OK as long as the sun is shining!
☆☆☆Happy Birthday Jackie☆☆☆

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Good for you, Ms. Nancy.  40 minutes in 25 degrees.  You strong!

I spent two hours getting a beginning handle on the HUGE tree limb (photos below) that fell on the barbed wire fence several months back.   It's tricky because - well, it's leaning and hung up on another tree.  So you have to be rather cautious about which portion you remove at a time.  Couldn't get my d*mn chain saw started so used the sawzall.  Managed to lop off all the thinner parts of the branches with leaves attached on our side of the fence and tossed half of them over the other side. Meanwhile broke the sawzall blade during the process and said "screw it!" and just kept sawing with the 6" nub that was left.  My fault I'm sure.  Because I was sawing too far out on the blade... oh who really cares.

Next task will be to head to the other side of the fence - not our property - and do the same over there (which is a pain in the butt because you have to walk all the way to the barn and out the only gate that's closest and then all the way back to the debris and then all the way back to the barn and then all the way to the house.  Probably not even the 10K steps Jackie puts in, but...).  But I can't do the main branches unless my chain saw is working (because they're too big for the sawzall).  And this will be the THIRD time I've taken it in for a carb adjustment.  I'm about ready to throw the thing in the cow pond, or sell it and buy a used one!  GRRRRRRR.

Yesterday I got out and blew leaves off the areas where the Daffies are starting to come up and around the top of the driveway.  Whomever did the road tree trimming/mowing last year cut down three large wild privets (about 6 1/2' high) that  we deliberately moved from other areas on the property to screen the house from the road.  I keep the area really nice and he just made a TOTAL MESS.  (Hadn't been shredded before, why now???)  A lot of debris had to be blown off and I'll have to get up there with a rake and wheel barrow to get rid of what the blower couldn't handle.  GRRRRRR.  If I plant anything else up there I'll put in a wire fence with a sign that says DON'T MOW!  Live and learn!  It's okay, this is called MOVING, right?!!!!

You don't really get a good idea of the size of the pile of debris that needs cleaning up from this picture.  There are actually two limbs that came off two different trees.  The limb that you don't see is much larger than the one that you do that is leaning.  Let's just say the pile it's taller than I am.


  The bottom picture presents more of an idea of the size of the limb that was torn off.  It's the size of the tree next to it (the first  triangle)   What's holding it up is actually that smaller tree, still alive,  just to the right of it.  (Outlined in red next picture.)   The big tree, farthest right is not really supporting the majority of it's weight. 



When removing branches from the bottom, you obviously have to be quite cognizant of what's going to happen at the top.  You have to really examine where the weight distribution is and even then you can be wrong.  I've always said, "When it's my time, let me go by some tree falling on me and gazing up at the sky."  However, I'm not quite ready to go yet and not an idiot and I take very good care.  At 71 I've learned a few things in life.  (Still have a long way to go, I fear.  No -  I relish it, actually because what IS life but a learning experience - even if they're unpleasant.  That's how I've always learned my greatest lessons.)    So I if I don't feel comfortable with it, don't worry about me, I won't do it.  (I'll tell you one thing, I rather go that way than with the Coronavirus on a vent!)  

Sorry for waxing on, but hey - who else do I have to share the fun and GRRRRs with?!!!!   


 Giulia Go G stay safe‌


Giulia‌  I am BEYOND impressed with the work you do on your's just incredible and there is no other word for it.

Although I agree with you about the virus........don't go "under the falling tree yet!!!" I am hoping we have many more EX reunions to enjoy in the future.