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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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 up at 408am and prayed 

WoooooWOOO grateful to be alive and healthy today



 up at 330am and prayed 

Heading out walking through my day doing this and that just enjoying my Sunday 

I am grateful for all of you giving me hope to just keep moving forward one breathe at a time I appreciate everyone one 


Gee, it's dark, dank, chilly, humid, wet and drizzly today - for a change!  😒  NO idea how I will stay moving today.  SO much to do that I can't do in this weather.  I grow more weary of it by the day!

I DID walk the farmers market first thing.  I got spinach, Sugar Snap peas, STRAWBERRIES, asparagus, a chocolate croissant, a pumpkin chocolate muffin, and more plants.  I am going to try planting marigolds around the outdoor dining table, hoping they might repel mosquitoes as advertised.  I am super allergic to their bites - they swell up like a bee sting and one can itch for MONTHS!  Stay tuned......although I don't know how I will determine if it works...I NEVER leave skin uncovered without repellant!!!!  😏

Enjoy your Sunday, gang!



The kitties got me up at 5am 😕 but the Roku channel has a free MLB game in a couple hours so I'm just sitting with coffee watching British people going to Walmart for the first time. Lol. Kinda drippy outside today, but I don't mind. I'll still get out for a walk after the game. Not much else planned for the day. My brain has been rearranging my furniture for days, maybe I'll do that as well.

I hope everybody has a great day, smoke free 🆓 


So good to hear your physical healthy my dear @RainbowHeart 


I DID get outside!  Deadheaded, did some pruning, trimmed back all the iris, planted the marigolds and a basket to hang, insecticided the roses (how I HATE to use that stuff, but they get eaten alive without it),  potted some Black-eyed Susans I dug up by accident. I will take them to the market next week.   I traded some Lily of the Valley for new plants from the plant guy today.   I LOVE the farmers market!

Will watch some baseball as a reward now!



Just a couple of days of shopping, cleaning; vacuuming, dusting, washing sheets and making the guest bed for my nephew and wife who are arriving tomorrow.  Plus making pico de gallo (my goodness but that takes a LOT of time!)  It's always good when guests come 'cause you clean the house like you haven't in years!  lol  Well - speaking for m'self only.  Cat brought in a Cicada earlier.  Fortunately it didn't screech long.  (But I haven't found it - so - who knows.)  I picked one up yesterday outside by it's wings to examine it and it started screaching - holy moly!  I guess they, as opposed to ? crickets? grasshoppers? don't make that noise with their wings.  'Cause I was holding them.  Gotta look up HOW THEY CAN MAKE THAT MUCH NOISE???!!!  Obviously it's not due to rubbing anything against their wings.  Their wings are fabulous!  Irridescent.  Magical.  Sorry.  I'm partial to bugs.  Well - CERTAIN ones!  lol  Chiggars and mosquitos are not on the fun list.


I love company because of the cleaning as well----- but ALSO because all of my plates, bowls, knives and forks get used with big crowds. So often, Charlie and I are using the same two of everything....but then when the big holidays roll around...everything comes out to be washed used and washed again and then put away for the next time!



Our last 17 year cicada bloom created a decibel level of a jet taking off!  I literally had to wear ear plugs to go out in my yard!  I spent weeks turning the dumb creatures over that I found on their backs!  It broke my heart to think they had spent 17 years underground only alive for a short time, stuck on their backs, not even able to perform their sole reproductive function.

Found this great article about them:



The weather folks promised me SUN today, but it's cloudy, cool, dank and dark so far this morning.   I hope it clears up so I can get the porch washed.  I HOPE!