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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Hello @YoungAtHeart , @biscuit9 , @Cousin-Itt , @RainbowHeart , @Giulia@indingrl , @Sootie  and any other mover who may be reading this, it's good to "touch base with you guys.  It's late Saturday night and it took me awhile to get on here, but at present I am online. We aren't that far from the Canadian cosmic activity so perhaps it's related to all of that. I spent the day with my oldest son at my ex's and appear to have left my phone there. It was a rough day for my ex and I am so glad I was there to be able to help Kevin with his care. Dick was very weak today and moving about / standing was tough for him. By the time I left he seemed stronger; am praying it will last. I feel totally out of the loop tonight as I just realized that I apparently left me phone up north and I do not have a landline. In the morning, I will call Kevin from Doris' and check to see if the phone is there. If so, I will need to drive one hour north to retrieve it... Dick is not safe to be left alone due to his high fall risk so Kevin even meeting me half-way is not an option. Sigh-- well that's a concern for the morning; for tonight I need to garner my physical and emotional strength and get rested up. Tomorrow is another day, as they say. Goodnight all ❤️ 

P.S. The dry garlic spareribs, rice, broccoli and Kevin's made-from-scratch-chocolate fudge cake I took up for Kevin's birthday dinner went over really well!! 


@SuzyQ411   That dinner sounds delicious!!! So sorry about the phone mishap......we simply cannot live without them anymore can we? Hope your EX is feeling better soon.


@Sootie ~ Found my phone in my car late last night! Flashlight did its trick and zeroed in on the missing black object on the passenger floor of my car! Whew!! 


Let's see, today's mooving activities:  Morning back stretches.  Did fewer,  as I "intended" to do a full back workout later in the day.  Yeah.  I "intended" that yesterday and the day before and..the day before that!  

Then after "breakfast" I trudged to the barn and got the mower and mowed ALL.  Decided today to pick up the sticks BEFORE  I mowed, so there wasn't as much on-again-off-again.   Then the other thing I had on my list was to get some of the Impatiens in that were left overs from the ones I put in the big pots around the house.  BUT I had to weed the areas first.  Ripping out poison ivy and lots of other fun stuff.  Took an hour or so.  Got five in around the hosta area (photos below).  

Then I was about to head upstairs for a back workout, but had to sweep up something first and when I put the broom and dust bin back in the pantry, noticed the fire extinguisher was half on it's side.  So I was about to put it upright and the "pin" fell out.  Hmm.  Never having used a fire extinguisher I wasn't sure where the "pin" was supposed to go.  Looked like it was supposed to go through a particular slot but it couldn't,  so I pulled the trigger back to enable it to go through...

Let's just say I now know the extinguisher works JUST FINE!  OMG what a MESS.  Whatever is in them thangs - went all over one side of the kitchen.  Thank God the cabinet doors were shut.  As it was it took me about 45 minutes to clean surfaces, all the things that were ON the surfaces, like five billion.  Three spice racks full of jars... I haven't finished yet.  There's always tomorrow!  Oy.  Experience is a great teacher.   Live and learn!

Then I put a load of laundry in.  And,  STILL DETERMINED!  I went up and did a FULL back workout.  After which I ate dinner at 10 pm.  Which isn't that unusual for me.  And I'm rather pleased with myself!  lol  The ONE thing I wanted and needed to do (the back exercises), I did.  The rest was just an extra self-congratulatory FUN mooving.  

Charge on, pretties!

Hosta8 2024.jpgHosta 2024.jpg

Where I hung out for a couple of hours during the tornado warning.  Behind the green door looking right.  'Course the entire house is just sitting on the cinder blocks.  Not even bolted down.  So...   By the way - for any of you who don't know this (which I didn't until yesterday), if you're in  tornado area - at least get a bike helmet and put it on.  It will help protect your head.  

Basement Chairs2.jpg    Basement 5668.JPG





Hi @Giulia ~ This post is just cram-packed with new info to respond to. So, will work from top to bottom... Lots of yard work, girl! Trust you were careful around the poison ivy! Sorry but I just had to chuckle about the fire extinguisher episode! (Perhaps you might want to locate directions for its use and keep them nearby?- -- just a thought.)  With one of my nursing jobs, I was in charge of nursing education and that included periodic trainings on fire response to include use of the extinguishers. The local fire department would actually come in and give each of us the opportunity to use the extinguishers in an emptied area of the parking lot. Thankfully it was their responsibility to clean up all the foam when we were done-- so I am aware of the mess that you had to deal with--(forgive my chuckles..).  Your garden areas at the base of the trees are lovely and so well-tended. I am thankful you have a designated area to go for tornado warnings and what a great idea about wearing a bike helmet! In spite of the cinder block support of your home, it does appear to be more substantial / safer than those living in double-wides or single trailer homes. I thought of / prayed for you, BTW, each time of late that I heard tornadoes were in your area. So thankful you are safe.


Whatever is in my extinguisher - it isn't foam.  It's a fine powdery substance.  I so appreciate your prayers.  Are you able to see the aurora up there?



The difference in fire extinguishers is that they are used for different fires.

Foam puts out Class A and Class B fires (A ordinary combustible fires.......wood, paper, etc-----B flammable liquids......... oil, gas petroleum)

Powder puts out Class C fires----electrical.

Now--- I cannot EXACTLY remember but I think that powder is best because it also will put out A and B. You can probably google all this.

You need to look at your extinguisher.....many say good for A, B AND C fires. And others just A and B. But all extinguishers are marked.

They say powder is very hard to clean up and you need to be careful of respiratory problems and digestive. So don't save any food it safe and toss......And make sure you have good ventilation while cleaning.




Hey @Giulia ~ Nothing colorful in our sky tonight although the clouds have opened up and the sky is full of stars~ a bit north of here in the more rural areas I have heard that sightings are expected. Great news BTW, a closer inspection of my car revealed my phone on the floor of the passenger side- it apparently had fallen from the seat. So I did not need to drive back up north after all! Also, I had a lovely Mothers' Day dinner out with my youngest son Darren and his family tonight in front of large windows facing Lake Ontario-- too chilly to sit on the deck but a great sight anyway!



WOW!  What a day!  I am exhausted just hearing about it!  You go, girl!

@SuzyQ411 f

Sorry about the phone!  If you have to drive, hope it's pleasant!

It is supposed to shower all morning, but so far the sun is out, so I am happy.   Heading to the farmers' market in a bit.   Happy it's back, too!  STRAWBERRIES are glorious, and I will buy my flowers to plant there.  Life is good this morning!





3.5 miles in stunning sunshine today. Ahhhhhh. My solar batteries are charged up again, ready for whatever plops onto my doorstep this week.

Today is my first mother's day after going no contact with mine, so it's been unusual. Not awful though, and I at least got to talk to my girls this morning. Danielle the new mom posted some sweet pics of Nora, looks like they are just chilling today. Kristen is camping, I asked her to save me a fish if she has lots of luck. 🙂 Taylor is being her workaholic self. She switched from working at a bank to managing a non-profit this year and her drive just stuns me every time I talk to her. She does cosplay in her downtime, I told her about a new festival in WA being put on by a friend of a friend, it sounded right up her alley. Hopefully she'll take some time off for it, everybody needs to rest sometime.

I got myself a couple of "treats" for mom's day. A salad kit, because nothing except salad sounds good to eat when it's this hot...and a $1 container of Oregon blackberries that got washed and tossed in the freezer. Way better than ice cubes in water or tea! Oh, and a pineapple frozen fruit pop that got eaten instantly, so quickly it gave me brain freeze. I also found some noodles at the Asian market that I want to try, they look like rice noodles but are made from mung beans. Those will have to wait for a cooler day though, the thought of boiling a pan of water right now is unappealing.

Alright, you're caught up and I'm going to hit the shower. I hope all the moms and stand-in moms had a wonderful day, and I hope everybody else had a wonderful day as well 🌞