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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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What a GREAT idea to add some moving to your day!  You are a great example to the rest of us on how it's done!


I DO strive to be a cheerful presence when I am out and about.  Not sure how successful I am, but I try!


Woo-Hoo for three miles!  You are another great example of how it's done!

I went to Home Goods, a huge craft store and for coffee with a friend this morning, then shopping at the grocery, and now I am finishing up housecleaning the sun room.  Next up is the mud room!  This Manic Housecleaning is a big job - but the end result is worth it.  

Kinda' like quitting smoking?





No pictures today, I just stayed in my neighborhood and I think I've taken every pic there is to take here, LOL. I did get 4,200 steps though. My hamstring is actually feeling much better, though I have been walking maybe more than I should. But my thinking is if it doesn't hurt, why stop? Hopefully that won't come back to bite me. But I can't just sit I go mad. I hope everybody had a great moving day! ❤️


Beautiful day today but feeling kind of sad that darkness is moving in so early. Soon, we will be unable to take our after dinner walks in the woods. It will be dark BEFORE I leave work in just a few weeks.




I used to HATE the early darkness, too - I would DASH home, get out of my professional duds and get out the door as quickly as I could.  Could just walk in my local neighborhoods 'cause it was usually dark by the time I made it home.  I looked forward to the weekends when I could walk by the river or in the woods.  The darkness  will come and then it will start to be light a little later.  It WILL get better - just like quitting smoking??!!


Glad the hamstring is feeling better - but you might still take it easy for a bit.  I had a strained butt muscle and I kept trying to bend over - and it just wouldn't EVER heal.  REALLY difficult to put on a pair of shoes, let me tell you!!! 🙄


Remember w/the Darkness also allows us to appreciate the light,each season allows growth &
 give life.


@tuckeww  Thanks for the thought....I will keep it in mind as darkness comes earlier. I have always been grateful to live where the four seasons can be experienced......can't imagine not having all of them.......even when I complain!

0 Kudos

Drop in more often @tuckeww .  Looks like you have a nice 2 year quit going.  And good advice to offer.  

I FINALLY finished cleaning the porch windows!  Well, downstairs at least.  Now I just need to clean the items all around the porch.  Threw out one "tree" that had shed it's leaves.  Photo is from a couple of years ago of the tree on the left  I just threw out.  Meanwhile vacuumed the family room.  Something accomplished in the moving department, at least.



Yes.  It's getting darker  now.  Has been since the summer solstice.  June 20 or 21 or 22nd.  We just don't notice it then.  One of the things that helped me emotionally get through the dark cold winters of the northeast was to keep in mind that Dec. 21 is the shortest day of the year.  From then on it's only going to get brighter.  So June 21st has become my least favorite day of the year and Dec. 21st my favorite.  Just passing on the thought in the hopes it might help you all in the more northern climes.  I hate the humidity of the mid south here in TN, but I love the extra month on either end of sun and growing time.  Or so it seems because the winters are more mild.  But there is great beauty in the silence of snow and and the splash of a red cardinal on a branch.



What an absolutely STUNNING space! And I thought MY sun room windows were a lot - NOPE!  I would NEVER leave that - never!

I am going to be moving a bit less today.  Speaking of the butt muscle (were we?) and my shoulder - both are barking at me, so i will need to chill for a couple of days, I guess.  Always something, it seems.

Hope everybody else is well and moving!


@Giulia These pictures are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Oh my goodness! I would never move or clean.....just sit on that white sofa and read.....what wonderful pretty.

I am in awe of you in The Leak story! Everytime I read something like this from you I think " I MUST get more independent about the house stuff".....never happens but it's a goal to work towards. Glad all turned out ok.

@YoungAtHeart Have to admit I also chuckled at YOU being "chill" for more than two minutes!!! I hope you do take it easy for a few days.....the "barking" is your warning and you know that!

@JACKIE1-25-15 So sorry to hear your brother fell! I hope he is OK....wanted to go back and re-read what you wrote but I now can't find it without losing what I already wrote. Have to et better at navigating back and forth.

@RainbowHeart  Glad to hear your hamstring is feeling better because it sure didn't sound like you took it easy !!!! : )  That is really a difficult injury (IMO) as it limits you with sitting (at least it did me!) So, if you can't SIT how do you rest? I SURELY could not lie down all day!!!!!

I spent all afternoon yesterday in stores trying to decide what to get my sister for her birthday. Decided she is blessed as I could not find a thing she did not have!!! : ) . Have not been in that many stores for over one year. Felt kind of disoriented and unfocused......couldn't really enjoy the experience. The stores were mostly my moving yesterday except for laundry and cleaning the bathroom (which I absolutely HATE to do!!!)

Sounds like all of you were really productive and moving!


remember in these dark times everything is subject to change,so as long as we are breathing
we are achieving , enjoy all that life has to offer.