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Just go for a walk❤

In the beginning - I was 275 lbs in August of 2010 smoking 50 death sticks a day and laying on the couch flipping through the channels - I clicked on the fitness channel - I clicked on walking and Leslie Sansone walking video played and at the end she said - I challenge you to just get up where you are and walk in place for 2-3 MINUTES everyday for 30 days - so I took her challenge just 2 or 3 MINUTES walking in place - I am NOW 220lbs and walk her dvd at home -  I do 5 miles monday to Saturday and 3xs a week I do bowflex for 20 minutes and I am NICOTINE free since jan 6 2011 - I remember I was too heavy in MY thighs to do one of the walking steps and leslie says if you cant do it yet -  just walk in place to the beat of the music - you will get stronger each time you keep walking - so I kept walking and I was able after 30 days to do ALL the steps and I cried the first time I could move MY thighs in step to the exercise called cross step - I was so joy filled I was stronger -  and very grateful to God for blessing ME with Leslie Sansone - gentle hug❤

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You keep walkin' girl!  Kudos on the weight loss.   I'm not a walker, but I do get in my exercise.  Just got back from an hour ten minute tough bike ride up and down these Tennessee gentle slopes.  Gentler if you're in your 20s!  lol  Started right after I got back from the EX reunion in Virginia beach (so disgusted was I at the way my bod looked in the pictures that I decided to DO something about it!)  and in two month my legs have become like steel.  It's uplifting to see the changes in our bodies, isn't it?!  A definite incentive to keep going!


Yes lean muscle is GOOD❤


I love walking and since we lost Merlin awhile back, I take Nico for walks every morning. Its also become my time to talk with God uninterrupted, so it is special...the time walking with God and Nico. Good way to start my day


Cool ❤

0 Kudos

Thank you for the name not sure if it is what you started with.  This is great thank you  indingrl.01.06.2011


Yes Leslie is geniune and been teaching and walking over 30 years - In HIS love I love her wsy of teaching and encouraging ME- gentle hug❤


This is great Diane Joy...I have a good exercise plan, gym three days a week (elliptical, treadmill and free weights and I walk dog two times a day 7 days a week...also, I live in town and walk to a lot of places instead of drive...I love being physical...makes me feel good mind and body...great post ~ Colleen 223 DOF 


Way to go and good job Colleen - I get up each morning and pray to exercise - and I too go walking weather permitting -" I walk to library and visit one of MY friends too - yes I am very grateful to keep moving - gentle hug ❤ 


I've been using a Leslie Sansone DVD since 2008.
