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Exercise is my motivation to quit

Hi all, I've just rejoined the community. I joined 2 years ago when I attempted to quit and failed then walked away in shame. But today I'm on my 3rd day of not smoking, and I've found the motivation I need to succeed this time: moving my body. I want to breathe better so I can run better, jump higher, hike longer, lift stronger.  

This is all new to me. I started running (ok, jogging) 30 seconds at a time in September '21 and have worked my way up to 30 minutes. What could I do if I could breathe like other people?? How much better could I feel than I already do? 

I'm reaching out to exchange support in  both areas- Increasing heart rate and kicking nicotine in the ...

Nice to meet you. Let's talk soon!

10 Replies

Getting back to exercising is a big motivator in my quit too! I've been exercising every day of my quit so far (finishing up day 4 now).

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