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Exercise is my motivation to quit

Hi all, I've just rejoined the community. I joined 2 years ago when I attempted to quit and failed then walked away in shame. But today I'm on my 3rd day of not smoking, and I've found the motivation I need to succeed this time: moving my body. I want to breathe better so I can run better, jump higher, hike longer, lift stronger.  

This is all new to me. I started running (ok, jogging) 30 seconds at a time in September '21 and have worked my way up to 30 minutes. What could I do if I could breathe like other people?? How much better could I feel than I already do? 

I'm reaching out to exchange support in  both areas- Increasing heart rate and kicking nicotine in the ...

Nice to meet you. Let's talk soon!

10 Replies

Hi , and congrats . I agree if you like excersising, then  quitting smoking will do a world of good . When I quit smoking I was biking a lot , but my breathing was getting so bad that when I got home I'd literally fall on the grass and have to rest and catch my breath before attempting to walk .  I was overworking my exersize , but not taking care of my lungs . I'd bike to parks to smoke , bike to the grocery store and bring back groceries but stop on the way back for a smoke wherever there was a bench to sit . 

I em much much older now and my excersise is just moving what I can. I did far too much damage to my lungs and I miss all the sports I could have still been playing and doing even in my old age . Old age in itself presents so many other health issuesif not taking care of ourselves ., I'm glad you are here. You will inspire us to achieve even more than we could ever imagine. Please keep posting . please let us know how we can help . 

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Thanks, Maki!  You all are helping just be being here and reaching out. I appreciate it, a lot! 


A super congrats on your precious quit journey @KateGonnaQuit YAY for 3 precious Smokefree days and counting WTG YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come, I love your positive hang it because it'll get through any rough patches that you may come upon you've got this, I really like your health goals which should be great for your quit, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp......

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Kate I completely understand how you feel. I use to enjoy running on the treadmill but I noticed I was Either not  breathing correctly Or smoking just caught up with my breathing. I try to imagine myself breathing normally. It all starts with this life-changing moment, me giving up vaping or any other type of smoking. Thanks for sharing. We are not alone.

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I'm brand new with a quit date of 2 weeks from now. How did you stop the morning cigarette? That first one is a killer!

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A walk helped me, instead of smoking the first one in AM

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Ty Taraysa

I'll try it in the morning. I'm so tired of these things!!!

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It couldn't hurt. Just remember as the days goes by, cravings will get more manageable, but they will still be there. Focus on the new, not the old your trying to get away from at your walk.

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I can really relate to 30 seconds and hope to achieve the 30 minutes. Some days I can barely get to the mailbox and we won’t talk about putting out the trash. There are good days when neither is a problem.  My quit date is Saturday and you’ve reminded me that I need to set some fitness goals.  Not quite ready to re-join the gym, but I can start counting steps & time. And get over being self conscious about using my walker. 

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