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A New Day "Keep it Moving"

New day.jpg

A new day and a new beginning.  Everyday should be just that.  A new day, a new way, a new beginning.

I guess you all know that I am so EXcited with this new challenge thing.  jdesco311‌ thanks for the grand idea and bringing it to life.  Now it is very important that we keep it going or MOVING to be exact. It does not matter what you are doing, as long as you are "moving".  By the way AND whatever you can move. (Note for the Old Lady Caravan or  old lady buddies".  No offense taken.kristen-9.7.15  Me not included. lol  The challenge is within you, just like quitting smoking it is inside of us.  So let's start a new day with a new beginning.  If you can change your stinkin thinkin you can win.

FYI I did my #2 challenge for week two yesterday.  Low and behold.  I did my cardio, and my usual run walk jog and my tracker wasn't charged so I did not get the accurate count.  Uusally I do about 6500 steps doing those activities.  Anyway My # 2 Challenge is met I am going to do the #3 today.  I will update you when it happens.  

I would love for this group to continue and not fall by wayside so if anyone has any idea how to make this more user friendly or any other ideas please offer your suggestions. Mark your input is welcome.  Thanks.  I think it is important to continue to improve our lives along with being smokefree.  

Peace out.

 Let's Get Moving Challenge

YoungAtHeart‌, Strudel‌, gregp136‌, elvan‌, Thomas3.20.2010‌, Nancy95‌,Iamkfaz, jbliesmerBonnieBee.quit.2.8.15, Giulia‌ and anybody else that wants to join. I believe this is an open group. 

Etiquetas (1)
Etiquetas (2)
35 Respuestas

Yep, got my water bottle with me at all times, even set it down on the edge of the pool.  I have therapy this afternoon, I really hope I can breathe afterwards.  The heavily chlorinated pool in a warm room with less ventilation than I would like has left me with a gurgly cough, the likes of which I have not had since a week after I quit smoking.  

Not sure what tomorrow will bring, hope to be able to get to my friend's house if the weather allows.


I am still on crutches, but since I get to do toe touches, I do get steps counted.  I am getting 1 1/2 - 2 miles a day and more on some days.  I WAS doing over 10,000 a day when I broke this leg - and I will be back there.  It's difficult to change your philosophy when you're injured!  Normally, I would not bother to plan my trips to the garage,etc.  If I went and forgot something, I just counted it as a bonus because I got extra steps in!  NOW - I can only make one trip (I sprained my OTHER ankle when this whole nightmare started, so it can't take an abnormal load) and I have to REALLY try to organize myself!  Not easy when you have been doing the opposite, let me tell you!  I WILL gave some great guns when this is over, though!!!!

I am released to water walk this weekend - can't WAIT for that!


Community Manager
Community Manager

This is great!  Being active is a great thing.  I'll think about what advice I could provide. I would say that posting regularly this‌ group will bring more attention to it.  Mentioning it by word of finger might help as well. 

So that you see that activity regularly on the  home page though I would post it as a discussion instead of a blog.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Hi up this morning did 1 hour water aerobics and 1 hour of lazy river. Love the get moving challenge.  Thank you @jdesco311 for the idea and @JACKIE1-25-15  for keeping it going.


I love water aerobics.  They are the best.  Easy on the body if you have injuries.  Enjoy and keep it moving.  Whoo Hoo.  Thanks for keeping it moving. 

0 Kudos

I know this injury has been a major set back for someone who is so young at heart.  Do the best you can for you at your speed and your time.  Be careful, safety is the most important thing.  Thanks for being here.  Yay!!!!  you will be back to dancing soon. 

0 Kudos

You are so right Lady E, we never know what tomorrow brings.  That is why we live for today.  One day at at time.  Smoke free.  Take it slow you will go some mo'. Do what you can do the best for you and keep it moving.

0 Kudos

JACKIE1-25-15‌ Aqua therapist called to reschedule, I coughed and she asked me if I am sick.  I told her no but I have been coughing since I was there.  She said no more this week, will try for Tuesday.  I got dressed, called my friend and went to her outside pool and worked out for an hour.  Just got home, no problems breathing there.  Didn't need to use my inhaler before or after and I worked out pretty intensely.  I will go there tomorrow, weather permitting.

Movin on,



will do