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30 Day Jumpin' Jack,Crunch,Squat Challenge

Friday I returned to my senior EXercise class.  No problem since I have still been active, but not overly active.  One of my classmates looked so trim and lean.  I was really taken back.  She had on these tight skinny shorts and she LOOKED GOOD,  Shucks, I was almost jealous.   I asked her what had she been doing.  She told me that she was on day 18 of a 30-day challenge and she offered to text it to me. Here is a sample to see if it is something that you would like to do or try as a separate challenge.


It would like to give it a try and it would make me very happy if we could get this going.   Even if you have to do alternative MOVES is fine.  In other words, do the best you can do.  Weight loss is not the priority. Instead, we could target on our measurements. Breast/Chest, Waist, Hips, Thighs, Biceps.  We don't have to share our numbers unless you want to but just the total loss.  It is about us doing something as a group.   I am open to suggestions. I would like to start on Monday.   Let me know what you think or offer suggestions.   Just say I am in or not.  Each day we comment that we met or did not meet the challenge.  Offer support or suggestions on how to get through. So get your tape measurers out and see how many inches we can lose in 30 days. BEACH BODY!!!! 

The following links are contributions of kristen-9.7.15‌ and tjanddj

Modified Jumping Jacks - HASfit Low Impact Exercises - Low Impact Exercise - YouTube 


Modified Squats (sit and stand from chair) - YouTube 

youtube walk with leslie - - Video Search Results 

Measurement chart 

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642 Replies

OMG I had not skipped ahead and looked at those numbers at the end of the month.....


Hahaha Beck! Bet next time you will look ahead lol.  No worries though do what you can and build. Listen to your body.

Day 4 jumping jacks and crunches done. I have strength training class tonight so will wait and see how many squats we do tonight.


No worries do what you can do.  You will be amazed that YES You Can!


I see you!.



Yeah gotta git it!

0 Kudos

I hear you Jackie. I am in the process of moving. I will consider that as a total workout lol. I bought a push reel mower fpr working out since I will be able to do yard work again. Happy! Maybe next will come and join you all in the challenge. 


Hi Trudy!!!  Hope moving goes smooth. Yay your own yard to mow.  Sending big hugs!

0 Kudos

Hi Sharon! Hugs to you. 


Day three breathing hard, but DONE was able to do a few modified squats holding on to chair. Being careful with knee.  I have to work in the garden this morning.  Have a great day everyone.  We miss you tjanddj enjoy your new place.  The picture of it is beautiful. 


Hey all day 4 I did 60 squats with my strength training class.  We do as many as we can in 30 second for 3 sets  Today day 5 I did  5 jumping jacks, 10 crunches and 20 squats.  Yay Jackie on  doing squats but go easy on those knees.