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Exciting things on the horizon for EX!

EX Team
EX Team
2 20 257

Hello friends –

The team behind EX has some exciting news to share!  

Over the past 18 months, we have been exploring the possibility of expanding the collaboration between EX and Mayo Clinic. We’re writing to give you an update (warning, it’s long!) about the status of those explorations, to tell you about some of the exciting changes that are on the horizon, and to ask for your help and tell you how you can get involved.

As many of you know, Mayo Clinic has been providing their clinical expertise since EX was launched in 2008. The team at the Mayo Nicotine Dependence Center helped to architect the original version of the website and created much of the content you find throughout the site. And, of course, Dr. Hurt and now Dr. Hays have been regular contributors here in the Community for many years. This has been a really productive partnership, and one that we have wanted to expand for quite some time… to create an even better quit smoking program and to reach more smokers with that program.

To help inform our thinking about what a new and improved version of EX could and should look like, we talked with over two dozen EX members last fall. We wanted to hear specifically about what’s working on EX, what could be improved, and what the most important elements of the EX experience are. Many of you have also been sending “wish list” ideas to Mark since he started as the EX Admin. We’ve taken all that feedback, combined it with what we know about treating tobacco dependence and what we know about technology, and created an initial vision of what we’re calling EX 3.0. We’re making this announcement now because we’ve recently gotten approval to make this vision a reality!

Our vision is to create a robust, individually tailored quit smoking program that integrates the best digital/online experience with the gold-standard counseling provided by Mayo Clinic counselors. Specifically, this plan is to expand EX as we know it to create a quit smoking program that…

  1. … helps more people benefit from the “wisdom of the crowd.” What makes EX unique are all of YOU. The friendships and support and passion that exist here in the EX community are truly special. We know that online communities aren’t for everyone, but we also know that many users on EX never get exposed to some of the great information that is exchanged here in the Community. We aim to change that in EX 3.0.
  3. … provides increasing levels of personalized support as needed. For some, the content and tools on EX will be sufficient. Others will benefit from an expanded text messaging program that is fully integrated with the website. And still others will need more intensive one-on-one support from a counselor either through an online chat or phone counseling. Our goal is to make more services available at an intensity that fits the needs and comfort level of all users.
  5. … changes and adapts throughout a user’s quit smoking journey. Our goal is to provide a more personalized, customized, tailored experience that leaves each and every member feeling like “this program was made for me.” Whether you’re quitting for the first time or the tenth… a new user or someone who has been around for a while… firmly established in your quit or struggling to get through the next hour… EX will be there with relevant, timely, and helpful information, tools, and support.
  7. … works on any device, all the time. Desktop, tablet, phablet, iPhone, Android… you name it, and EX will be there.
  9. … arms smokers with information and support from all types of experts. There is no one magic bullet for quitting. EX 3.0 will blend the best scientific evidence about quit smoking strategies with the real-world, tried-and-true wisdom of current and former smokers. Our goal is to help each user craft the quit smoking plan that works best for them.
  11. … makes it easy to connect with other users. Technology can do some pretty cool things to support relationships and foster a sense of community. EX will be an improved experience for those of you that actively connect with others and for those that simply like to browse.
  13. … celebrates important milestones throughout the quit smoking journey. One day, one week, one month, 10 years. Milestones are a critical time to reflect on the ups and downs, appreciate all that has been learned, and most of all, to celebrate! The new version of EX will make it easy for members to keep track of their own milestones, to share them as they desire, and for members to cheer each other on.
  15. … is a central part of the healthcare experience. There is often a disconnect between the powerful conversations that happen in healthcare settings about smoking and getting connected with a quit smoking program. That gap makes it all too easy to put off quitting until tomorrow. We want to make it easier for smokers to connect with EX right from their doctor’s office. 

Why mess with a good thing?

There are two reasons we began exploring the possibility of expanding the EX program. The first has to do with the technology. The current website is on software that was implemented in 2007/2008 and frankly… it’s tired. It gets the job done but there’s just soooo much more the site could be providing in terms of information, tools, and communication channels.

The second reason has to do with finances. Since the site was launched back in 2008, it has been run as a public health campaign… free of charge to all users with the goal of improving the nation’s health by boosting quit rates. Running a program like this has required a significant investment over the past 8 years by Truth Initiative (formerly the American Legacy Foundation). The time has come for us to explore ways to generate revenue to help cover the costs for running the program. Rest assured – EX will continue to be available free of charge, including the Community. Our intent is to expand EX to include additional features (such as one-on-one support with Mayo Clinic counselors) that would be available to users whose membership is sponsored. Sponsors may include employers, health plans, or wellness providers… organizations that have a vested interest in connecting smokers with engaging and effective cessation treatment like EX. Of course, if we find that non-sponsored members are also interested in these additional services, we could certainly make them available on a fee-for-service basis.

When is all this happening?

As you might imagine, this is going to be a BIG project. The site involves a few different software platforms, each of which has its own quirks. And with over 650,000 registered users on EX, there is a LOT of data to move over. We plan to tackle it one piece at a time to ensure the following:

  • Time to gather feedback and input from existing members and potential partners
  • Minimal disruption to you, our existing members
  • A seamless transition from one platform to the next that retains the pieces of EX that you value the most. Blogs, private messages, group discussions… they will all be part of the new experience. And more!
  • The ability to test, test, and re-test things before they go live… not only to make sure things work, but to make sure what we’re creating is usable, engaging, and helpful!

Phase I will focus largely on moving the community to a new software platform. Our intent is to retain the same look and feel… same EX color scheme, same logos, etc... but to vastly improve the features and functions (including speed!) available to Community members. The goal is to have the new community software in place by fall 2016.

Phase II will involve a change to the overall look and feel of EX and the integration with Mayo Clinic counselors. It will also include much more content on a broader range of topics related to quitting, and likely some new tools and features. We’re knee-deep in the planning process for this phase, so there aren’t as many details to share on that front yet, but stay tuned! Phase II will be rolled out in spring 2017.

What can you expect from us?

Communication, communication, and more communication! Going forward, it’s inevitable that we won’t be able to please everyone all of the time. There will likely be compromises and tradeoffs that we have to make in terms of how the new Community platform will work. Some people may love some of the new features that become available, while others may find them irrelevant or even annoying (hopefully not!). Some people may really miss certain aspects of the current website, while others may celebrate its demise. Our intent is to ask lots of questions, solicit input and feedback often, and do our best listening… ultimately to create the best experience for members who are here today and everyone yet to come. Our intent is also to be transparent all the way through this process. We will keep you informed about the decisions we’re making, why we’re making them, and what they mean for you as an EX member. Surprises are great for birthdays and Valentine’s Day… not for an online quit smoking program! This information will come through a variety of channels, including the following:

  1. Monthly Update: We will post a monthly update to keep everyone apprised of what’s on the radar for the near term
  3. Online Chat Sessions: We will host two live online chat sessions each month for people to ask questions. We’ll try to schedule these at different times and on different days of the week to increase the chances that everyone who is interested can attend. The first one will be held Wednesday, March 16 from 1pm-2pm Eastern. Stay tuned for details on how to connect and for the date of the 2nd session.

Keeping an open, 2-way dialogue throughout this process will be critical. To that end, we will also be creating multiple, ongoing opportunities for members to provide feedback. Your experience with the current version of EX is important to us, and your reactions and experience with the new features we pilot test will be critical to inform the direction we take.

  1. Mark set up a Group where we will be discussing EX 3.0 on an ongoing basis.
  3. There will also be specific opportunities to provide feedback through surveys or online focus groups and possibly even in-person focus groups. We don’t have any scheduled yet, but will make sure these are well publicized so people are aware of these opportunities.
  5. We will also be forming an Advisory Board of EX members to help inform our work throughout this process. Stay tuned for more details on what this position will entail and how to apply if you’re interested.

Both of us – and the teams behind us – are completely committed to making EX the best program it can be and ensuring that it is available for many years to come. We value your experiences and insights and opinions, and look forward to working together!

Warm regards ~


Dr. Amanda Graham

Director, BecomeAnEX


Dr. Taylor Hays

Director, Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center

20 Comentarios

Thanks for continuing to improve an already wonderful site. I have quit smoking (and relapsed) many times over the past few yrs. While I would never say (or think) that my relapsing has anything to do with EX, I am soon to quit again and will take whatever help I can get from this community.


Thank you for this wealth of information.  I LOVE the fact that there will be different levels of help available to people who need it.  I think that's an amazing plan.  This all sounds very exciting and innovative.  I look forward to the updates.

It does my heart good to see this site growing and to see that people really do understand how important it is to help those who are struggling with their quits.

Again, thank you.



Well that is EXciting news!  Welcome!


What an ambitious, advernturesome endeavor!  And what a comprehensive plan.  It's wonderful that you're including our input in the process.  Looking forward to that first chat!  Here's to smooth sailing.....



Sounds interesting.

I always assumed the tobacco settlement was paying for sites like this. Did it go broke? Was the Mayo Clinic program funded by it also?

I wonder how many of those 650,000+ have left any store of information. That would require a presence wouldn't it?



WOW, what an adventure !!   Always happy for improvements for our community and sounds as if EX30 is  a well thought out plan.  Looking forward to the live chat 





This all sounds very EXciting! I am looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds!

Thanks for all the information!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Interesting blog..........great information. I am looking forward to the EX of the future.


This is truly the only way I finally made my forever quit.  I work full time and can only get on the site very little daily.  I see the same people here putting their own time in day after day.  If the site gets bombarded with let's say double the people trying to quit I can see that being an issue.  I know that funding is a problem and has to be resolved.  

I just hope that there is a way to not burn out the good people that are the heart of this.


Sounds very EXciting ........


How exciting! Thank you so much for this blog! Involving us and asking for feedback is very much appreciated! I credit this site and the many wonderful folks here with saving my life by showing me the way to quit! That was almost 6 years ago and many of those same people are still here which is amazing! This place is incredible and it certainly sounds like you recognize and respect that - yet you realize the need for changes. Thank you! 


How can one not be impressed with all the effort that must have gone into this comprehensive plan! I have been very proud to be a part of the great works done here for over six years now! Today I am reading something that assures me that the hand that is in control truly shares the passion that so many of us have! And, it informs me of the forethought that will keep this community great long after my days are over!

Bravo, Dr. Graham and Dr Hays, Bravo!

EX Team
EX Team

Great to see all the positive responses and enthusiasm. Thanks for all your comments!

@Bonnie... you raise an important point about what an increase in traffic to the site will mean. New faces will inevitably bring a diversity of experiences and opinions, which is a great thing for any online community.  With a more robust community platform in place, hopefully it will be easier for everyone to make connections and encourage some of the new faces to join "the heart" of EX. This will definitely be something we keep on our radar.


This is fabulous!!! I can't wait to see the new platform! thank you all so much!


I would never have been able to quit without this site.  I am so grateful for it's existence.

 ​Today is my 73rd birthday and I am much better physically and emotionally than last year. Thank you all for this wonderful site.  Good Luck


EX Team
EX Team

@Victoria - happy birthday and thank you for sharing it with us!


Hi Amanda, great you are improving Ex. The time has come and it is long over due. The plan looks good and asking for imput from all members is a plus and will promote it's success. Looking forward to a new and improved BecomeanEx. 

Great!!! Exers will be excited (and delighted) with modified version of site. This site is immensely useful to one and all who wish to quit smoking. The efforts, information, help sought from the site are valued much more than any money currency. It's priceless. No match to this work done by Mayo Clinic.

I'm a little resistant.  The updates sound good but I really like the site the way it is (despite the glitches here and there).  This is where I was able to come to learn how to quit.  I hope they don't throw out the baby with the bathwater!

EX Team
EX Team

@Eric... thanks for sharing your hesitancy.  These are precisely the things we want to hear more about!  Our plan is to keep both baby and bathwater... just to clean them both up a bit. 

Can you say a bit more about what you like the most about the site, and the things that you'd really be disappointed to see change?

And also... can you say a bit more about "glitches"?  What things haven't been working for you?

Feel to send a PM if that works better. 

Regards -


Acerca del autor
Hello! I run the Innovations Center at Truth Initiative, the parent organization behind EX. I manage the large team of people that is responsible for bringing EX to you.