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highimamy's Status Update on 11/21/2014

Thanks for the welcome! I have not searched the blogs yet, and I probably won't get a chance today. I have a conference I'm headed to. I just logged in to track my smokes, so far today. I am a closet smoker, sort of. My children, and some of my friends don't know. My biggest supporter, my husband, knows I do and he's behind me. He's sort of my driving force. Since I only smoke about 2 packs a week, I've been told by Dr's and so-called 'experts', I should be able to go cold turkey, no problem. They may be right, but my triggers are just that, triggers. And my psyche at the moment, is stronger than my will. I am going to work on it. I do know what times of the day are worse than others and like I mentioned in my triggers, here in the midwest, it's so friggen cold, going outside is not worth it. Most the time I do light up, I only smoke 1/2. I am curious what others think. I am considering purchasing a pack or two of non nicotine/tobacco smokes, to ween off. Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
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