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aboyd63's Status Update on 10/16/2019

Please help me  I have lately been having more cravings and triggers and I am able to not smoke because I tell myself I don't  smoke anymore . I also have been reading Allen Carr's  book and it is helping.I also keep water close to drink I read lots of things on here.I also know that I'm in No Man's Land so I'm  trying to remember that also .I guess I just needed to vent . Please help me I need it badly 
13 Replies

Thanks  for the reality object idea I'm going to look for something to buy tomorrow. I'm  excited for it.

Thank you Marilyn I'm diffently going to hang on because I'm not going to smoke today or ever again.  I am doing deep breathing and that helps so thank you for reminding me about deep breathing
​thank you so much

Deep breathing was my not so secret weapon.  I concentrated on allowing it to ease any anxiety I felt and to remind myself that I would not take one puff EVER.  NOPE, it was my mantra.
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Thanks  that is my must do  deep breathing .It diffently helps me thanks for mentioning it . Thank you for responding. to me