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Community Manager

Welcome to F&S Group

I know that faith and spirituality plays an important role in some members quit journeys, particularly those who have joined here in this group.  This group is here to ensure that people who choose to incorporate faith and spirituality into their quit journey can do so safely and openly amongst others who likely share similar beliefs instead of in the public areas.

Having a private group also gives me the ability as the Community Manager of EX to protect those who come here from others who might come to intentionally create conflict. Any member is permitted in this group so long as they're respectful to the beliefs of those in the group. Anyone not respecting other members of this group will be removed from the group and possibly the community entirely. 

To help me, in accordance with our community guidelines, please ensure that any posts that contain faith or spiritual based messaging be posted here rather than in public areas of the EX Community.

  • This will help reduce the need for moving posts
  • It will reduce the likelihood that conflict will arise

Please note: While I am the owner of the group and an employee of Truth Initiative, I will not largely be participating other than to announce new members.

Now on to the fun stuff:

In order to get the group more acquainted with each other I ask you that you introduce yourself to the group and share how your faith and spirituality has impacted your quit journey in the comments below. 

  • As new members request access I'll welcome them in this topic with an @mention so please say hello to them.
  • I also encourage you to invite others, when applicable, to  Faith & Spirituality - EX Community  Group as you see them posting around EX Community.
EX Community Admin Team
85 Replies

@SuzyQ411 @jewlz23 

When I was going to school for my Bachelors in Christian Studies they recommended having several translations to read and compare from. I have over 15 different translations I read from. I would like to recommend as it has some free (and a lot you can pay for if it's feasible for you) bible software that you can use to compare bibles. Esword is also a good tool as is

Hope this can be of help to you all

Thanks for the info on comparative translations, Weston!! @wpwwusncorpsman 

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@jewlz23  If I already responded to this post, please forgive the duplication but it is such a tender entry that I wanted to be sure not to ignore it. I can hear angels singing at times Sherri, and it is so precious. Thank you for your blessings and prayer for all of us. I thank god for your presence here!

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At one point I posted that I was saved in a small country church in the mid 60's and was baptized soon after as a believer in a nearby lake along with about half-dozen others who'd also been saved when a new pastor came to our church and offered frequent altar calls. I became active in that church and enrolled my kids in its Sunday School. I was "on fire" for Jesus I think you could say for a number of years until I allowed myself to be dragged down by a failing marriage. And over time I lost my faith. For a number of years I was jaded and avoided organized religion although I was always spiritually touched with Billy Graham's televised crusades which never failed to stir up some degree of hope in me. Around the year 2000 I had moved to a new area and I became friendly with some folks who were active in a small local church. I soon found myself in that congregation and was led to turn my life back over to Jesus; he was waiting for my return and lovingly took me back, Praise God!.

Last year on June 1, 2022 I finally turned my 60 plus years of cigarette smoking over to Jesus. I had many failed attempts at quitting under my belt. But I had some serious health issues related to smoking and was at high risk for suffering a stroke. I had been seriously trying since 2019 to quit and was into my forth relapse. I was frightened and got on my knees beside my bed and in tears I turned my addiction over to God and I promised Jesus I would never smoke another cigarette. I will be honest that it has not been easy as cigarettes have been my "go-to" when under stress. But my sacred spiritual promise to Jesus has kept me totally nicotine free for almost 13 months now.

A few months back, I stumbled on this site but found that it was no longer active. So I began posting on a fairly frequent basis with only spotty responses from others. But then -- just over a week ago-- this site suddenly exploded and I can barely keep up with all the posts!

I believe that God has chosen for us to be here in support of one another and I praise him for bringing this site back to life!

faith and spirituality. praise the lord.jpg



@SuzyQ411 thanks for posting your personal spiritual testimony, it is very inspiring and I am glad that small church renewed your faith in Christ. I will continue praying for your health.

Thanks for your prayers on my health Weston. I await a call from the cardiac surgeon regarding a date for the surgical procedure to repair my heart valve. (Hope it's soon!) 

Dear SuzyQ, reading about your prayer over nicotine touched my heart.  You gave it to God.  I finally had the same desperate prayer to God about nicotine.  I never had wanted to burden him with my addiction before, but when I did, it made all the difference.  

@biscuit9 . I have been thinking about this post of yours for a number of days now regarding my "desperate prayer to God about nicotine."

For a number of reasons, I put off committing my cigarette addiction to God. In all honesty I think the basis of all the reluctance was I really did not want to quit smoking. Nicotine had been such a major part of my life's coping mechanisms for so long that I could not imagine myself without that emotional crutch. And I really liked the taste of those nasty things! In my heart of hearts I really know that if I brought God on board with this whole smoking thing that there would be no messing around-- that it would totally be quit time. How insidious this addiction is! So, when I finally made up my mind that I DID want to quit, only then did I turn to God. When I made that promise to Jesus that I would never smoke another cigarette, I knew it was a done deal; I could not imagine myself ever taking back on a promise I had made to Him. And for me as well, "it made all the difference."  

Well said Suzy.  I did not feel right about asking God to get me off nicotine in the past, because I know he knows my heart and I cannot lie to Him.  So, this past Sept. 2023, when I prayed for the DESIRE to quit, I meant it.  It was a sincere prayer to Him to help me WANT to leave this addiction.  The next morning, I was changed and  I felt empowered and I was no longer afraid, I just wanted to get educated.  God took the lead and I followed.  Everytime God takes the lead and I follow, amazing and wonderful things happen.  I am learning this!  The first 2.5 days of the quit were so easy, I couldn't believe it.  Day 2.5 to around day 21 were not easy at all.  With his help, I got through it.....not easy.  I never ever want to go through the first 21 days again, in my life.  I thank God for that lesson.

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I also struggled-- especially in the early months of my quit. I know what you are saying Christina. It seemed to me that God was testing me, working to strengthen me. I recall being in the shower and just sobbing and telling Jesus I was so sorry I had promised him I would never smoke again. One of my kids was in crisis and I was a mess. Over this past year, I've faced numerous health issues, had gall bladder surgery, Covid twice, lost a precious infant great-grandchild and continue to struggle over my son's ongoing psychological issues. BUT I have NOT smoked! I have bound Satan, lit candles, leaned on members of the EX, and have prayed, prayed, prayed. And God has seen me through. I sit here amazed!

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