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Vaperlove's Status Update on 08/11/2019

About a week ago, I had a setback. I found a vape pod when I was cleaning and was overcome with cravings. It didn't last but one afternoon and back to nicotine gum, which is just me. I bought the patch tonight, not sure what to expect out of it. But, here I am. The nicotine gum gets expensive when I have zero self control.
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7 Respuestas

Sorry about the set back, but getting right back on track is important.  Are all the vape pods gone now?   Having the nicotine around is just too tempting.  But there are quitters here that live with a smoker.  Kudos to them.   So we still have to commit to not smoking.
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Yes, they are all gone. I thought that I threw away everything. It would be very hard for me to be around smoking or vaping at this point. I'm committed AGAIN.... Thanks Barb
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Yea!    You go this.

 I was a basket case when I quit. Cold turkey. But, I'd made up my mind and pushed forward and to my surprise I'm 100% not interested in smoking today. Part of the trouble in quitting stems from believing that we will never forget. And sometimes we don't want to forget. The sense of loss is real, but so is recovery. You did good to make a new plan and to come here. As Ellen likes to say, quitting is not an event, it's a journey. Keep  looking for your yes I can, yes I will. 

No worries -  I been there done that with using MY death sticks to suck death off and on  - I used MY drug NICOTINE for 38 YEARS - I too quit and used off and on - YOUR not ALONE and congrats on NEW DAY NICOTINE FREE - GOOD JOB- gentle hug

We have a saying - "don't look back, you're not going that way," You will beat this addiction one day at a time!

You can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time as long as you stick with your quit journey you will be Free.....