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Tomlschultz's Status Update on 08/23/2018

Today is day ten of no cig and being around someone who smokes, but I took a break with a co-worker who does smoke, and the smell made me sick to my stomach, so I know I can be around it and not want pretty proud of my self
4 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

That's great! Way to go! Tomlschultz
EX Community Admin Team

GOOD for you.  Can I make a suggestion?  If you post a blog instead of a status update, it is MUCH more likely to be seen by more people.  I took breaks with a very good friend several weeks after I quit smoking...they were outside and I never sat down and always moved around so I was not downwind of the smoke.  I worked really hard to get my lungs cleaned out, not to have them filled up with someone ELSE'S waste products.  Take care of your quit, put it first, talk about might be surprised at the support you get even from smokers.

​Welcome to EX and congratulations on double digits of freedom.

Kudos on day 10!!!  I agree with Ellen, your post will be much more visible if you do it as a blog or discussion.  Keep up the great work!
0 Kudos

CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome entrance into DDC  - Double Digit Club  - 10 glorious Smokefree days and counting WTG, keep moving forward and stacking up your precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say YAY for another Day WON. 
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