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Thomas3.20.2010's Status Update on 04/20/2017

Back from CT Scan. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. I just had to hold my breath 3 times. It looks like a space ship and I can see how some folks would get claustrophobia.  The clinician said that both my pulmonologist and my GP will have the results tomorrow. Hopefully I can find somebody in one of those offices to talk to me. They're also going to mail the results per my request. I always request results!
11 Replies

Thomas3.20.2010 I had to exaggerate my smoking because I was waaaaay down in my smoking the last several years but I just had to have that pack a day for 20 years and for a while, I did, there was actually a time when I smoked 1 1/2 packs to 2 packs a day when I was still in my 20's.  I honestly do not know how long that lasted so I averaged it out, I smoked for 47 years so somewhere along the line, it certainly would have fit.  I hope you get reimbursed, that is just they think that the past findings have resolved?  Not that it would not make me very happy but it is such a roundabout way to offer healthcare that should be covered.  I am honestly glad that I am no longer a nurse.  My brother in law is an ER doc and he was hoping to hold off on retirement for another 6 years but I am not sure he is going to be able to do it.  He said that the insurance companies and the hospital administrators have destroyed medicine as he knew it and two MORE docs turned in their notice this week.  They are both YOUNG, only in their 40' is leaving medicine entirely and going to farm, the other has not made up her mind.  They both said they cannot stand the lack of respect they get from the hospital administrators and even from patients.  That makes me sad, going to med school and completing a residency and then starting to practice are no small accomplishments, I worked with a lot of docs over the years and not all of them were great but the vast majority of them were intensely committed to the practice of good medicine.  The documentation that is required now is impacting patient go to the doc and they are plugged into a laptop and not even LOOKING at you...just following some form asking questions.  The follow up is negligible.  Makes me SICK.  I have two docs who have known me and treated me for over 20 years and they are doing their best to maintain good patient care, the third one is my pulmonologist and if I didn't push and push and push, I would never get answers and I would never get things done.  Her bedside manner is, shall we say, lacking something?  She won't do the documentation on the computer, she insists on having a scribe there to do it for her so she SHOULD be able to at least give the impression of being attentive.  Finding a pulmonologist around here is next to impossible, I had to wait months to get an appointment with her and she is 40 miles from my home.  I don't DISLIKE her but I am not her biggest fan either.  The pulmonary surgeon was HORRIBLE in terms of HER bedside manner, had I not been in ICU, I don't think she would have visited me at all.  She came to see me once preoperatively and once on the day I was discharged.  She had five different PA's handling my care, writing scripts, etc.  She is a talented surgeon, I am here, right?
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Not to worry, Ellen. I am fortunate enough that $200 is well worth it so I'm good! I have an excellent pulmonologist! My new Dr seems good but I only have a few visits under my belt with him We'll see. My old Dr had 30 Years with me but I felt unlistened to so bye, bye! I told this new doc - you want me to comply? Then tell me what's going on! Just handing me a prescription doesn't cut it! I respect your opinion but it's my body - my LIFE!