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Thomas3.20.2010's Status Update on 04/20/2017

Back from CT Scan. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. I just had to hold my breath 3 times. It looks like a space ship and I can see how some folks would get claustrophobia.  The clinician said that both my pulmonologist and my GP will have the results tomorrow. Hopefully I can find somebody in one of those offices to talk to me. They're also going to mail the results per my request. I always request results!
11 Replies

Hoping and praying for you, Thomas!
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doesn't sound like the test itself was too bad. Hoping you get some good results before the weekend.
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The test is a bit anticlimactic but the results are the thing. No insurance coverage - $200 out of my own pocket. That's pretty ridiculous. They said that medicare doesn't cover it so insurance doesn't either! What do poor people on medicare do? It makes me mad and sad for them.

Hope that the test will be kind to you. I will be praying for you.
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I just know the results will be assuring!
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I am sending you positive vibes Thomas along with prayers for the results to be A OK, I don't mind the CT scan too bad but I really don't like the MRI because I really don't like the closed space and both timesfor my neck and back took over 20 minutes each time, huge cyber hug. 
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I cannot do closed spaces, the place I go has open machines so it's like a donut around my chest but my head is not inside and the MRI's are also open...otherwise, they have to medicate me to the point of being nearly comatose.  I have become more and more claustrophobic as my COPD advances.  I have been really lucky because the hospital where I have mine done is participating in a grant program and there is no cost to me.  If there was, I would be in a really tough place.  I was also told that Medicare WOULD cover it if the reason was one that fit into their guidelines and they make very sure that it does.  They turned me away twice because my doc did not put the "right" diagnosis in.  It HAD to say that I smoked a pack a day for at least 20 years and that the scan was to rule out lung cancer.  She had put the smoking part right but then said it was for emphysema and post op studies after lung reduction surgery.  My doc said that every i has to be dotted and every t has to be crossed or else insurance will NOT cover it...I think that is because of the grant.  

​I hope you can get someone to talk to you tomorrow...I get my results in writing too.

​Still praying, my friend.
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There you have it. I smoked 10 Sickerettes for 20 Years. Even that is an exaggeration! Many Years I smoked maybe 3 or 4 a day. Unfortunately I have had bad lungs all of my life and was hospitalized for URI at least once a Year as a child. The last CT Scan they covered for it but later the insurance reimbursed me. They found "cause" after they found issues. I guess it's threading a needle!
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((((((((((((((((((((Cyber hug along with good thoughts and prayers))))))))))))))))))))
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