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Jpuhich's Status Update on 02/03/2019

Hi everyone. This website is so huge! I want to be able to figure out how to best use it. I quit for 6 days in October and I've set a new quite date for 2/5/19. I want to quite and I don't want to quit, you know? I need to quit. I know I'll need help from this community. Here's a few things about me: I really only smoke in the evenings with wine on my back porch. I need to be strong enough to create new habits when I come home from work. This will be my first challenge this week. Ok, a day and a half to go. Wish me luck!
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6 Replies

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Welcome to Ex. Spend some time learning about the addiction to nicotine--what it does to you. Please take time to make a list of things to do instead of smoking. Just hoping that you will feel strong in a day in a half (at wine time) usually isn't enough. Consider exactly what you are willing to do and be prepared to do it. The first few days can be weird so feel free to blog at Ex all you wish. Keep coming back. Yes you can quit, one day at a time.
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Jpuhich Welcome to EX...please keep in mind that there is no luck involved in quitting and that it is not an event, it is a journey.  You need to learn everything you can about this addiction, you need the support of people who have been where you are, and you need to commit.  I strongly suggest giving up the wine for a while...lots of people can't drink coffee because it is one of their triggers.  Alcohol is a known quit killer.  I think you should do some reading to prepare, you can start with making a plan,  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX reading blogs, I would suggest one by JonesCarpeDiem  My Welcome To New Members (12+ Years Of Watching)  This is a one day at a time journey and since wine seems to be a should give that up for a while and you should make very distinct plans for what you are going to do instead of drinking wine and smoking.  You could try going for a walk, reading blogs on EX, whatever appeals to you.  Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays and change the porch around so that it is a HEALTHY place and not a smoking place.  You CAN do this, there just are no quick fixes, this blog was written by Giulia EX to EX INSTRUCTIONS and it may help you to get around on the site.  The reason that I put the @sign in and then a user name is so that user will be notified that they were mentioned in this comment and they can jump in and give you some more advice,  

​Best to you,

Welcome! The site is a little daunting at first, but it seems to make sense

after a while We'll be here for you now, Feb. 5, and thereafter.

Without EX, I'd be an active smoker and I mean that. I'm on day 49 and it

wasn't that long ago, I was on day 1. I have quit before and felt your

ambivalence. Read, learn, write, prep, and do what you need to do to make

your quit work for you.



Howdy.  Take a good inner examination as to what happened that caused you to relapse after 6 days in October.  I would agree with Ellen, cut out the porch drinking for a while.  Find a new routine.  Go for a walk instead, maybe start an exercise regime.  

​We all have a love/hate relationship with our cigarettes.  In reality we don't really love them, we're just addicted to them.  Quitting takes work.  A lot of it.  Those who are successful at it make it a priority in their lives.  If you put in the time and the study, you'll reap the rewards.  Cheers!

I thought I'd check in with you Jpuhich I hope you've been maneuvering around the website and figuring it out because the more your on it the easier it will get kinda like quitting smoking the longeryour quit the easier it will get, please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT it's absolutely Doable and totally worth it be free, are still planning on tomorrow the 5th being your Day ONE because if it is tomorrow evening you can say YAY for Day WON with many more to come you can do this quit believe it deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can.....
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