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Giulia's Status Update on 05/21/2016

When you make a 100% commitment, you understand that there simply are no excuses to smoke. There will always be "bad days." If you continue to allow cigarettes to be your "go-to" in emotional turmoil times, you will never quit. Because there will ALWAYS be emotional turmoil in our lives. You've got to discover the way to deal with those times WITHOUT your emotional cigarette binky. Read through Dr. Hays' blogs. He touches on the hypnosis issue. It has been shown to not be terribly effective. And if I may suggest, you need to recognize that you are blaming everyone in your family (it seems to me) but yourself for those 6 cigarettes you smoked.. Keep reading. Keep working at it. And when you post on your own message board nobody will see it unless they happen by. As Elven already told you, your message board is for OTHERS TO post on. So the information you related below either needs to be added to your last blog as an update, or put in as a new blog. Unless you're trying to hide you "slip" - which doesn't seem likely as you've made a point of tellng us what's going on. Keep working at it.
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