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Ashleylynn's Status Update on 09/25/2015

alright well I've quit for 6 days now with only subtle urges to smoke every once in a while. I've also been using electronic cigarettes to help get along and i plan to get off those too after a while. I only quit because mostly my family wants me to. I want to quit although i don't feel as though i am completely ready to. So far so good tough. If i can stay quit and get off the electric cigarettes soon then hopefully i"ll be i the safe zone. Although right now being the time that it is i feel as though it makes it soo much harder for me to quit. My dad quit his job and I don't have one so find what money can to scrape together for him and I really hope what little i send him helps at all, since he has a 4yr old kid to take care of and a drunk wife who lives off of unemployment.
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