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Amish Friendship Bread

Amish Friendship Bread Recipe
(Makes 2 loaves)

1. 1 cup starter (see below for starter recipe) in a glass jar or ziploc bag at room temp (do not refrigerate throughout entire recipe--it's supposed to ferment so don't put your nose too close either!
2. Day 1 - Do nothing
3. Day 2 - Do nothing
4. Day 3 - Put starter in glass or stoneware bowl (or large ziploc bag) do not use metal bowls or spoons.
5. Day 4 - Do nothing
6. Day 5 - Do nothing
7. Day 6 - To starter, add: 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, stir with wooden spoon (if in ziploc bag, smoosh and squish until mixed)
8. Day 7 - Do nothing
9. Day 8 - Stir with wooden spoon (or smoosh and squish)
10. Day 9 - Do nothing
11. Day 10 - Add: 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour-stir well.
12. Take 3 portions (1 cup each) and put into ziploc baggies or glass jars and give to friends with recipe.

1. To remaining starter, add 1 cup oil, 1/2 cup milk, 3 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla.
2. Stir well.

1. In separate bowl, combine 2 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1.5 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 cup chopped nuts (optional), and 1 large or 2 dmall pkgs of vanilla
2. Pudding mix (instant kind).

1. Add flour mixture to wet mixture, stirring well with wooden spoon.
2. Pour into 2 large loaf pans, greased, floured and sprinkled with cinnamon & Sugar.
3. Sprinkle cinnamon & Sugar on top also.

1. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean.


1. Substitute equal parts mashed bananas or applesauce for up to 1/2 the oil.
2. Use lemon or banana pudding (and lemon or almond extract) in place of vanilla.

I have used lowfat milk, applesauce in place of 1/2 oil, and cut down on some of the final day's sugar to come up with a "Healthier" Version (little to no difference in taste or texture!) Use your imagination!

The recipe is pretty forgiving...If you skip a day or have to miss a day, just pick up where you left off!


* 1 cup sugar
* 1 cup flour
* 1 cup milk


1. Put in glass bowl or jar or large ziploc bag-stir or smoosh until well blended.
2. Let stand at room temp for 5 days, stir or smoosh each day.
3. On day 6 add 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, and 1 cup milk, stir or smoosh until blended.
4. Let stand at room temp for 4 more days, stirring or smooshing each day.
5. On Day 10 you should have enough for 3 1 cup starters to give away plus 1 to use for your recipe.

*The starter DOES freeze! My mom and I tried it. I don't know how long it will last--mine was frozen for about 2 mos before I used it.
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