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Not Loading

Mark, I know I've talked about posts not loading.  I think it's happening when I insert an image.  I just read someone else's response and noticed my response was still sitting there from about an hour ago.

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5 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Barbscloud Did this just start happening today or did it happen recently? We did an update to the site today and I wonder if that cause a blip of some kind for you.

@Barbscloud wrote:

I think it's happening when I insert an image.  I just read someone else's response and noticed my response was still sitting there from about an hour ago.

To help me I have a number of questions. Thanks in advance.

  1. So you create a post and then insert the image? 
  2. On the page to insert the insert image (pop-up) page you click choose files and then navigate to the file and select it on your device. 
  3. You then wait for it to load on the Photos pop-up and then click the maroon Done button, is that correct? Or do you push Done before the preview is showing on the Photos pop-up?
  4. Does the image display within the post after you've clicked done? Or does it have a loading media box?
  5. Then you click reply (if in a discussion) or comment (if on a journal) button and then what happens? You stay on that page or you go to another page?
    1. If you stay on the page does it refresh and show the post and the comment / reply button disappears after the post is successful?
    2. If you navigate away from the post after commenting / replying, How do you get back to the discussion topic or journal article to read others replies? Browsing the site, on-site notification or email notification? 
    3. Can you take a screenshot of what you see when you observe it just sitting there? Is there the reply or comment button and is it bright or dulled( indicating it is attempting to post)
    4. Are these lengthy replies? 
    5. Does "your content was last auto-saved at XX:XX YM" appear above the comment/reply buttons and is it close in time to the current time?
    6. Do you ever see the Load / Discard draft function when this happens? 
    7. What happens if you open the community in a new tab? Is your avatar shown in the upper right corner of the screen or is it a generic icon?
      1. If your avatar, if you click on it, what options appear in the pop up menu?
      2. If not your avatar what happens when you click the avatar in the new tab?
EX Community Admin Team
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Wow.  That's a lot of questions.   I'll have watch fir all of that.

I can say yes to the first four questions.  I always wait for the image to display l in the screen before I comment/reply. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Barbscloud wrote:

Wow.  That's a lot of questions.   I'll have watch fir all of that.

I can say yes to the first four questions.  I always wait for the image to display l in the screen before I comment/reply. 

Yes sorry. Without being able to see what you're seeing it will be hard for me to capture it and then see if I can replicate it so the Khoros team can fix it. I ask questions so that I understand what might be happening. Helps me also understand people's normative behaviors but also will hopefully help me replicate and work to resolve the issue. Or educate if it's not found to be a bug. Regardless I want to make it a better experience.

EX Community Admin Team

@CommunityAdmin  Don't know if this helps.  I tried to print off the sequence to get this image posted.

  1. Barbscloud_2-1644593490097.png
  2. Barbscloud_3-1644593516594.png
  3. Barbscloud_4-1644593539955.png
  4. Barbscloud_5-1644593561243.png
  5. Barbscloud_6-1644593586721.png



Day 14 of no smoking - EX Community



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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Barbscloud Thank you so much.

Okay I updated your post with some numbers on the pictures so I can understand better your responses.

Looking at the above images. which number(s) make you feel like your post is sitting there from the past? I see that you successfully posted it as I see  Day 14 of no smoking - EX Community  Is there still another pending version of that message that isn't posted or did you successfully post it?

Please understand that the error message you see after you click "Post Your Comment" is expected because the community software detected hidden html and to prevent hacking it removed unnecessary hidden code. It reloads the page after removing the unnecessary code to allow you review your message without the hidden unnecessary code so you can review and then click the "Post Your Comment" a second time to actually post the comment. Before your comment is posted it will always have a validation step. If an issue is found it will present an error code and tell you what is a problem and needs to be fixed. In this specific case it is just acknowledging things have automatically been removed which were deemed unnecessary and it wants you to check visually that everything is looking like you want it to without the code so you can post it. If it is clicking the button a second time should post your comment without any additional errors. If not, you can adjust the post to your liking. Then click the Post your Comment button and it will do it's check. If no changes were made and there aren't any other error detected it will post without issue. If it finds additional errors those will be displayed and you'll have to fix it before it will post. Additionally if you've pasted new content or added new things it will recheck everything to ensure the new additions don't create any issues.

Perhaps this will resolve any questions, but if it has not and you feel your posts are stuck in a different way than are described in the images above, I'll be glad to comment on any additional pictures you're able to provide that illustrate your feelings that the post is just sitting there.  🙂

EX Community Admin Team
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