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Jive Word Policing

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I just used a perfectly good word in a response.  And I was speaking in terms of psychoanalytic theory about aanal retentiveness.  And now, I see that Jive no longer just puts up asterisks *** in place of words "not allowed," it actually CHANGED the word to rectal.  The "preferred word" I guess.  I find that ... I can't even describe how I find that.  Except it enrages me, astounds me and offends me.  How DARE that be allowed to take place.  I can see asterisks.  But to change my choice of words to Jive's word policing choice.  Wow.  "1984" is happening right now right in front of us.  Just amazing.

Sorry, this probably doesn't belong in the Community Help area, but I didn't know where else to put it.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Giulia you will now find that that particular word choice will no longer be replaced. We actually moved from Jive a few years back and are now on a platform called Khoros which has its own set of built-in moderation tools and pre-set filters that we inherited. I just checked the list and it appears you ran afoul of the only one that had an automated replacement set up. Lucky you? 😅

All the best to you!

Todd, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

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6 Respuestas

Wow is all I've got @Giulia🤔

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Giulia Message received, loud and clear! Our team is looking into it.

- Megan, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

Wonderful!  Thanks for the response.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Giulia you will now find that that particular word choice will no longer be replaced. We actually moved from Jive a few years back and are now on a platform called Khoros which has its own set of built-in moderation tools and pre-set filters that we inherited. I just checked the list and it appears you ran afoul of the only one that had an automated replacement set up. Lucky you? 😅

All the best to you!

Todd, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

Quite right Megan/Todd - I had forgotten after all these years and platform changes that we are now on Khoros.   So I looked it up:

Wow what an exciting, uplifting guy.  I'm old and I've been through every platform change since the beginning of this site.  

 Khoros which has its own set of built-in moderation tools and pre-set filters....  Question then?  Why can so much of the rest of the content on so many platforms:  Twitter.. whatever  - have the ability to spew forth ANYTHING, with no  filter?  I find that curious.  

"that particular word choice will no longer be replaced. "  Great.  Thrilled.  "  it appears you ran afoul of the only one that had an automated replacement set up. Lucky you?"  Lucky me?  Perhaps.   But if I hadn't brought it up....?

And I'm happy I brought it to the attention of the Khorus algorithm.  But then my question is... how many words have been altered without our knowledge of it?  And it's only when one person speaks up and questions it that something changes, or has a hope of changing it? 

 "that particular word choice will no longer be replaced." in other words because I SPOKE UP  - that it happened?    Then please, let us all speak up as to the absolute inanity of what is going on here in our lives today.  "That particular word choice will no longer be replaced..."  "That particular word choice..."  Indicates that word choices are not ours to make.  And that they are moderated by a "higher power."  Does anybody recognize what I'm talking about?  Probably not.

Never mind.  I'm grateful for the fact that anal is no longer "a'foul" of  the automated replacement set up.  Just - sigh.




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@CommunityAdmin I've never had a word replaced with another, only the "bleep".


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