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About the Author

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I know this has been mentioned elsewhere, but when I did a search "about the author" nothing came up.  So I'm going to post here.

When one clicks on a blog it shows an "About the Author" box on the right side of a blog (example below).


From any sane person's point of view it would seem, by looking at "About the Author"  that JonesCarpediem is a single mom of 2 daughters.  (At this moment, before some else responds.)  Which is not the case.   The author's profile mentioned is that of the last person who commented on the blog.  I no longer find this confusing because I have learned that "about the author" has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the author of the blog.  But since this topic was brought up today by a new member, I thought it worth mentioning.  It is confusing and needs to be corrected.  I think I read that a request has been put in to the Khorus group to do something to clarify WHO the author is, but in the meantime - maybe the entire box should just be eliminated.  As it really serves no purpose that I can see except to confuse the heck out of people.

-----But now, trying to check out old posts, I see that author mention is correct.  So - I don't get it.  I'm looking at the post below and there is no "about the author" at all on the right side.  This time it's all about labels.  Why?

I am lost as to what is what and where the consistency is on this platform.  



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Community Manager
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This was fixed Tuesday of last week. It will only show the Biography of the person who wrote the Journal Article now and will not switch any longer to the person who writes comments. If the "About the Author" section is missing that means the person's Biography in their profile is blank.

EX Community Admin Team

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@Giulia The post you're talking about is here in the ECAB. 

The About the Author is the biography of a user. If they have not filled it out. The About the Author will not show. 

The box is just a copy of their Biography field from their profile. When you click on a Journal with no comments it will load the Biography of the Journal author if the biography exists. If someone comments on the Journal. The Journal author will receive a notification and a link directly to that comment (a permalink). If the commenter's biography is filled in it will display it in the right column. If no biography exists, then no About the Author box will show.  If there are additional comments after and you read those comments. The About the Author box will not update and show the biography for the specific person's comment you're looking at.

Eliminating this box is not something simple to do. I'm hoping that I can find a way to display the username of the user whose biography is shown so that it's obvious who's biography you're looking at. 

If you want to view the biography of a person who's comment you're looking at. Click the 3 dots menu on the upper right of a comment and click the Permalink option from the dropdown.  The page will reload and show the Biography of that user, if a biography exists. If it doesn't, the About the Author box will disappear.

EX Community Admin Team
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I also find this very confusing.  Was looking at one earlier today and the "about the author" was not about the last person who commented.  So I had to look at each person's profile who had commented to determine who's profile I was reading.  Very frustrating.

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@Jennifer-Quit The About the Author is not always about the last person who commented.  It depends on the link of the Journal Article  you’re viewing.  If there are no comments. Then it’s the root post.  

If it has comments then it's the biography of the person who’s comment you first viewed when you entered the Journal Article.  If the link you clicked on was the last comment then the biography will be the last commenter’s biography.  If you click on a link and the 2nd comment is unread but there are 5 total comments.  Then it will take you to the 2nd comment and have that at the top of your screen.  If you scroll down to read the 3-5th comments then the About the Author won’t update unless you click the permalink individually for each comment.  If you exit the Journal Article and re-enter it will then likely scroll you to the last comment if all comments have been read.  

I get that it’s confusing at first.  I’ll get a screen capture together to show how it works.  Hopefully it will make more sense then.  But I agree a better label 🏷 on the box would help to know the username would help immensely.  Ideally it would also show to the right of the comment/post it relates to and not be at the top of the page.

EX Community Admin Team
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Today I got just a related article.  That was good . But then didn't know the Author of it .

I don't go by it at all anymore , I gave up  because it's frustrating for me , so to keep my quit I'm keeping it simple .

If I want to know about the Author I go to their profile page.

As a newcomer my thoughts are with it saying Author i would think it was the biography of the person who wrote and authored the original post not the comment .

It's ever changing I guess this way but still confusing to me . I thought I had it figured it out .Thought I had , but by your comment Mark  I clearly have not . 

How long has the new Ex been up and going ? It's frustrating being not a tech fan . Tech jargon is totally not helping as that too is a learning process .. oh to be born in the tech ages lol my grandkids would have no trouble with this ... it's the new generation lingo . It will help many quit though and that's important . I'll do what I can to work for me and use what I can to help others . 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

This was fixed Tuesday of last week. It will only show the Biography of the person who wrote the Journal Article now and will not switch any longer to the person who writes comments. If the "About the Author" section is missing that means the person's Biography in their profile is blank.

EX Community Admin Team
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