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1st day of quit

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Today is my quit day. I have had a total of 4 cigarettes (not fudging the truth). I am trying the gum but I wear dentures so am not able to chew it long. It's better than nothing and no the patch does not work for me. Have tried several times with it. I'm a little disappointed in myself but I'm going to try and stay optimistic I've been a smoker for 30yrs temporary breaks from it a couple of times. My Dr is putting me on a different gum that will devolve as I chew it. I should get it this afternoon. I am also working with my therapist and a cessation coach to help me stay quit. Any advice is appreciated and pray for me.

1 Solución

Soluciones aceptadas

Welcome to Ex. Keep working on your quit plan. We all wondered how the hell we would find a way forward, but we did and you can to by sticking with everything that you've choosen to use including support and encouragement from Ex. Lots to read, lots of info here for you to consider.


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6 Respuestas

How nice that you have 2 drs working with you, guiding and helping you.  As you are learning, it all comes down to Y.O.U.  Can't pay somebody to quit for you, either.  I got very educated on this addiction before I quit.  Found and watched all their awful videos, so I would stop romanticizing the cig.  What tools are you using besides the gum?  Cut straws, licorice sticks, hard candy, a healthy drink you enjoy, a crochet project, etc.  Be creative and come up with "distractions" that work for you.  Also, I am happy to pray for you.  The only reason I am on quit day 482, is because I prayed and asked God to help me.  I could not do this on my own.  Praying changed everything for me.  

This is a wonderful site for support and venting.  Just being able to talk about what I was going through that first year, truly helped me push forward.


Ty for reminding to use my tools some you mentioned like straws have helped. I'm munching on nuts. I will try coloring and puzzles.


Cranberry juice really helped with the withdrawl.  I also chew on straws.  Use all your tools  and just be strong!  Post often when you need support.  We are all here to help.

No aplicable

The gum was really not to be chewed  , I believe only a few times  two three chews then park it on the inside your cheek , then after that no chewing involved . With dentures tho I can see even that might be a problem so glad your dr is on board with an alternative for you . 

I will post you a link you can read through to help you with your quit . Dig around it open all the titles , some really good info there , then any questions  you might have then you can bring up with your quit coach . 

Also feel free to post ask questions here , your fellow quitters here are very supportive and helpful .



Just an update. I could be negative  but I won't. I'm still waiting on the stuff the Dr prescribed.  Did smoke some but waÿyÿy less than normal. Used a few tools. Worst part was an argument with hubby about it but we worked it out. Tomorrow will be better. Thanks for your support


Welcome to Ex. Keep working on your quit plan. We all wondered how the hell we would find a way forward, but we did and you can to by sticking with everything that you've choosen to use including support and encouragement from Ex. Lots to read, lots of info here for you to consider.
