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Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you able to @mention Mark?

Hi there.  I know some people are having an issue @mentioning Me for some reason.  I wanted to collect a list of people who can and cannot mention me using standard @mark. If you can mention me ONLY using the workarounds then your answer should be No. Let's keep this simple.

Copy and paste one of the two answers below into a reply. Include no other text.

Respond to this post with only the following responses:

  • Yes, I can @Mark without using workarounds.
  • No, I cannot @Mark without using workarounds.

Thanks in advance!

EX Community Manager

Accepted Replies:



EX Community Admin Team
Etiquetas (1)
70 Respuestas

Yes, I can Mark‌ without using workarounds!!!!


for the first time, I seem to be able to Mark‌, I couldn't before but it's working now

0 Kudos

Yes, I can  Mark‌ without using workarounds.

(and you thought I couldn't follow directions  !!!)



 Well look at that.  First time I've been able to...

Yes, I can  Mark without using workarounds.

Will wonders never cease!

0 Kudos

Mark Nope I cannot ... never lets me “copy and paste” but one word...~ Colleen

0 Kudos

Colleen, what happens when you type @mark?  When I type it now, his name is at the top of the list.  When I click on his name it appears in red which means the link worked.  What happens when you do it?

As far as copy and paste, this may be a really stupid question but - are you putting your cursor at the beginning of what you want to copy and paste and then left clicking and dragging to the right to the end of what you want to copy?  How are you copying and pasting?

0 Kudos

Mark‌ Yep I can without the workarounds right on! 

0 Kudos

Yes, I can @Mark without using workarounds.

Yes, i can Mark‌ without using workarounds