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2 out of 3 Helpful?

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Does that mean someone clicked the No next to the Helpful button?  And if so, is there a way to find out who did not find it helpful?  Seems like that information should be as available as the Yes info.

Etiquetas (3)
38 Respuestas

I'm not upset about it, I'm just curious as to how the system works and why one button would reveal the "who" whereas the other wouldn't.  

I don't know but I think I saw that on a blog and I wondered too...2 out of 3 people...that's just funny.

0 Kudos

If you remember the blog, give a link will you.  Just as a point of reference for Mark.  I've been trying to find it again and can't.

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I have no idea what blog it was but I will try to remember...tomorrow.

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Giulia   I have a thought you can make a test blog and have a couple of people mark a comment as helpful and one person mark it as not helpful and Mark  can examine it and see what is going on. Then you don’t have to look all over the place for that blog you can’t find.

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Giulia   You can also have two people mark this comment from me now as helpful and one person mark this comment from me now as not helpful and have Mark  look at it to see what is going on. 

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I just marked your comment as NOT helpful

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 kristen-9.7.15  Here is what happened when you marked my comment as not helpful I did not get any notification at all that that was done except the comment from you just now telling me you did it. Thanks for clicking on that button and helping.

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Bingo!  That's the answer.  I just marked your comment as Helpful Christine and at that moment this showed up


Whereas before Kristen marked it as NOT helpful - nothing appeared until I marked it as Helpful.  Illuminating Captain!

Brilliant suggestion, Christine!

So the answer is:  YES, somebody has to mark someone's response as NOT helpful to produce the "1 our of 2" or whatever the case.  However if someone begins by marking a response NOT helpful, THAT doesn't show up at all anywhere.  Where's the NOT helpful category?  There's a Helpful one.  Seems a bit prejudiced to my mind.  If you mark something as NOT helpful, why shouldn't that be known as well.  Well, we know why, but best not got there.

Thanks for answering my question through deductive reasoning.  

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