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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Welcome to the EX Café Tue 02.07.17

Welcome to the EX Café     Tuesday 02.07.2017




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Etiquetas (1)
105 Respuestas

Hey Dale!  

Thanks a Million for dropping in the cafe today.  Your presence in here means alot to us.  You know how we all value your input and advice.  If you see anything that we, as baristas  could be doing differently that would help to bring the message of healthy fun & fellowship and recovery...then please im me offline so that I can take it in and implement it as needed.  Kudos to you for being "Da Man" around here!!!

All hail to the "KING"  hip hip...

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That means so much coming from you my dearest Shawn!  I'm so glad to be able to help out here for once.  I have been staying back in the shadows all along because quite frankly, I didn't really feel that I measured up.  Then one day I decided to quit comparing my Insides, to other peoples Outsides...(that is a recipe for resentment, and ultimately, failure) I am in all of my nakedness...  Thanks for believing in me all along.  Your texts and calls were a "big" reason why I am back here doing my forever quit.  

I love you kid,  Pops

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If you ride that bike to Virginia Beach and I'm able to make it, I want first dibs on the back seat!


Joo got it baby!!!! Know this...I'm riding it there come rain or will be there! IMG_0357.JPG

I will bring extra helmets....

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Hey Pops! I sure enjoyed the café with you at the helm today. What a great job. Here's a hearty thank you, and I hope you make this part of your regular routine. I know the café tips won't pay the bills, but you're café's a delight!

I also know susan_m  has some great ideas planned for the menu tomorrow, but everyone will have to come and see for yourselves. I'm sworn to secrecy. All I can say is YUMMM...

Daniela2016‌, you are amazing. I cannot thank you enough for the great care you take of all the customers. I am gaining weight here just walking by the orders you serve!

Mortalzeus‌ is here Thursday. I wonder what cool stuff he's got in mind, eh?

In the next several days, I'll post more about the opportunity to be a barista here, if folks are interested. The staff lounge is pretty swanky, and we've got room for a really-really big staff. I am excited about all the cool things we can do at the Ex Café, like tag cool site content, for one.

But enough about that for now. Big Shout Out to our kind and generous baristas that I bushwacked right from their café tables the first day or two we were open. Did I mention brave and kind? Thanks guys.


I am simply honored to be included with such a group of winning friends!   I'm sure everyone will be great. Thanks again for letting me be your humble servant, or barista in this case. 


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I'll wear my biker clothes (not really, this picture was taken on my Uncle's bike down in  FL 9 years ago.  I'm 25 pounds heavier at the moment and am in stealth mode.  The less you see, the better.  Perhaps armor would do the trick.   lol)

Biker Trash 08.jpg


You are too funny...Show me someone who has the same figure that they had nine years ago....and I'll show you someone who simply forgot to live...I "simply love" wranglers new stretch jeans...  We will have fun.

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Looking good G!

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