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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge August 2018


Happy August everyone and welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events community where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.


What hidden meanings lie behind August, also known as the “holiday month”, the final month of summer?


Here are a few of my favorites:

1. The birthstones for August are the peridot and the sardonyx.

2. The zodiac signs for August are Leo (July 23 – August 22) and Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

3. August in the Northern Hemisphere is similar to February in the Southern Hemisphere.

4. August’s flower is the gladiolus. The flower was discovered in Africa in the 17-18th centuries and was initially used as food (don’t try this at home!).

5. The name “August” was given by Roman emperor August, in 8BC. Until then, the Romans called August “Sextilis” meaning the sixth month of their calendar. Augusts claimed this month his own because most of his victories occurred during August. Many other versions of the name designate this month as Harvest Month.

6. Famous birthdays in August include Barack Obama, Herman Melville, Hulk Hogan, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Affleck, Madonna, Robert DeNiro, Peter O’Toole and Cameron Diaz. 


Now that you have a few fun facts about August, it is time to pledge. 

How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.Latest Reply.png
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.pagination.png
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.Reply.png
  3. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  4. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My Quit Plan.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that! 


The Daily Promises

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457 Respuestas

Welcome to August!  I apologize for not posting this sooner!  It is a disadvantage of not doing this as a blog which can be set up early!  I was in meetings all morning!  

I am happy to take princessdeb 's hand from the July pledge and pledge not to smoke today while EXtending my free hand to the nEXt EXer who chooses to pledge the same!



I am happy to take your hand this afternoon roller831‌ as I pledge not to smoke today, no matter what.  I also am happy to take the hands of vanlil‌ and MarilynH‌who I believe posted in July as well.

Ellen1655 DOF


Oops thank you sweet Ellen XO   elvan


mama3953‌, Barbscloud‌, and DonnaMarie‌ We all missed the fact that today is the first of the month so we posted our pledges in July...go forward, we are all together now.



Lady E elvan‌ I proudly take your hand and pledge not to smoke this day week month year forever.  I extend my hand to the next person. Not in my hands, not in my throat, not on my tongue, not in my nose, not in my clothes. 


Thanks for your hand JACKIE1-25-15‌!  I pledge not to smoke today and have my other hand extended to the next in line.

Lynne 516 dof


Hey there, Lynne,

I'll take that hand. Thanks for offering it. I'm pledging for today not to smoke. Here's my hand for the next August EXer. 


Happy August DonnaMarie!  I’ll gladly take your hand on this, my 7th day smoke free and wholeheartedly extend mine to the next Exer who wants to take the pledge.

Lynnette 7 DOF


Hello Lynette! I'll take your hand and hold mine out to the next in line to pledge not to smoke.

Also, my daughter's birthday is August 23 and she thinks of herself as a LEO.  Oh, those cusp people!