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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


November 2013 Daily Pledge -- We're Truly Thankful To Be Smoke-free!

I know we have some early risers in the group, so I set this up beforehand. Be proud of yourselves and pledge away!

Etiquetas (1)
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228 Respuestas

Giulia, thank you for your hand and I'll gladly stroll down "Smoke Free Lane" with you.  Those autumn leaves sure are beautiful.  But some leaves aren't so great for me.  So I refuse to let any of those dried up old tobacco leaves near me today.  I choose to remain smoke free instead and look forward to smelling just the crispy cool and sweet air of fall.  I offer my free hand to the next freedom walker who's waiting to pledge.

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Thank you Leeza for your hand I accept and will make another pledge for the next 24 hours to remain smoke free. I am holding out my other smoke free hand to the next in line to grab on and make a pledge not to smoke.

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Good Morning Everyone!  Christine, thank you for your hand and support which I accept to pledge another nicotine-free day.  I hold out my free hand and the strength of this group to the next Pledger...

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Good morning.  Sheryl, good to see you and I thank you for the love, support and strength of your hand.    I take it and I pledge that I will not smoke today...NOPE!   I offer my other hand out to the next in line.....89 days of FREEDOM!    Let's roll!

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Good morning all Pledgers! Thanks for your hand, Sharon! I happily take it as I pledge to remain nicotine free today. I extend my other hand to the next person willing to pledge...

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Good morning to you all! Thank you Kathy for your hand as I pledge another 24 hours of smobritety. I extend my hand to the next in line. NOPE!!

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Good Morning Everyone!  Thanks for your hand Candy.  I pledge not to smoke today no matter what happens to me.  I offer my hand of support to the next winner who also chooses their smobriety today.  Enjoy Smoke Free Living!  Patty d487

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imageKevin, thank you for your kind and caring hand.  Although I had a brief fleeting thought today about smoking, I reminded myself that smoking would do nothing to change what is currently happening.  I dodged the bullet.  I'm working on accepting a situation which  I have no control over and can not change.  So instead I took personal responsibility for my own actions and refused to let another person's action jeopardize my quit.  I reaffirm my commitment to remain smoke free for the next 24 hours.  I extend my free hand to the next person waiting to make their pledge.

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Thank you Leez for you hand. I am pledging to remain smoke free today and extend my hand to the next person who makes a pledge

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I am happy to accept your hand RainyDayGirl and pledge to remain nicotine FREE for one more beautiful day. I EXtend my other hand to the nEXt EX in line ready to join us.... 

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