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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


March into March 2016 with a Spring and a Hop!

Hello Daily Pledgers! This month Giulia has passed the Daily Pledge Group to me!

March is a very busy Month! We have St. Patrick's Day! Be careful with that green beer. Doesn't matter what color it is alcohol is responsible for many lost quits! Stay strong!

Commitment is a very important part of a quit! So Hop on in to pledge as often as you can! Did somebody say hop? Awe, yes we have Easter, which is a great time to be with friends and family!  Protect your Quit!



Put a spring in your step. As the weather starts to change,there will be outside activities that can bring on some triggers, So make your promise not to smoke and keep your quit safe!

Let's make March a Happy, Hoppy Month!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

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245 Replies

Terri, I take your hand and pledge to not smoke! I have a hand free for the next in line



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Good Morning

I gladly take your hand Joyce and pledge to not smoke. I offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge

Mag at 968 Days of Freedom

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Terrie I take your hand and pledge not to smoke no matter what

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I'll take ur hand Terri I promise not to smoke no matter what. Here is my free hand to the next to pledge! Doris 16 DOF
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I am late, but better late than never! Thanks for your hand Doris! I pledge not to smoke, no matter what, and offer my other hand to the next.

Sharon  on my 15th DOF

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Sharon thank you for offering your had to me. I take your hand and pledge to not smoke no matter what today. I offer my hand, who will take my hand... Maureen, free since 1/28/16
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Thanks for your hand Maureen. I take it with gratitude as I celebrate three years of freedom from nicotine! WOW! Did I type that right? Yep its been three years and I feel so proud of myself for finding recovery and sticking to it. Smoking seems like a really bad dream to me at this point and I will never be its slave again! If you are struggling then continue to pledge, continue to educate yourself. The farther away you get from that last puff the easier this gets! It really does! Here is my pledge, no smoking today, no matter what! Holding my hand out for the next pledger...have a fabulous smoke free weekend everyone!♥

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Good Morning all!     Yes, have 3 years!     When we first start we don't think we'll make it a day.....then that grows and it's a year.....then it grows.....well, you get the idea!

Cory, I am honored to take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!     I extend my other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon 949 DOF


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Good Morning All!

Sharon, thanks for your hand.  I pledge not to smoke this day and offer my free hand in support to the next person in line.

Victoria  198DOF

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Good Morning All

It is raining here in central Calofornia- we need the rain. I pray for the people back east with too much rain.

I gladly take your hand Victoria and I pledge to not smoke today, no matter what and offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge.

Mag at 969 DOF

photo inspirit-_zpstlqqn3dj.jpg

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