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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


March 2014 Daily Pledge -- We're Ready to See What's In Store When We're Smoke-free!

There is nowhere to go.  What you are looking for is right here.  Open the fist clenched in wanting and see what you already hold in your hand. -- Oriah Mountain Dreamer, "The Call"


March is here with the promise of Spring and renewal.  Are you ready to see what you are already holding?  Pledge away...

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257 Respuestas

Hi all! It is a HONOR to take your hand Patty and pledge this day a smoke free one for Candy and I. I reach my other hand to the next blessing in line.

Anna and Candy~197~

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Candy, hello 🙂 I gratefully accept your hand and pledge to not smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what happens in my life. I extend my other hand to the next to make the pledge here.....

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Wherever you go, bring your own sunshine.  -- Unknown


Good Morning Pledgers!  The quote above seems perfect for today.  Things may not always go the way we would like, but attitude makes a big difference.  Debra, I take your hand to pledge that I will not use any nicotine this day.  I hold out my free hand and the group's support for the next Pledger...

Get well wishes for Cory and Mag10!

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Good Morning, All! I gratefully take your hand, Sheryl, pledging to remain nicotine free today. I extend my hand to the next Pledger! Have a great day!

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Good Morning Everyone!  Thanks for your hand Kathy.  A special shout out to Debra who I am told is celebrating 12 days smoke free today -- WTG!   Thanks Anna for pledging for Candy (she sure is missed here!). 

I pledge not to smoke today no matter what happens to me.  My hand is extended out to the next winner who checks in to pledge their smobriety. 

Enjoy your smoke free day!  Patty d632

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Morning all! Thank you for your hand Ladybug Patty. I am still sick, but hanging tough. Thanks for the get well wishes. Today I will remain nicotine free, no matter what, that is my commitment to myself. I love my freedom too much to let go of it. I am holding my hand out in friendship and support to all of you, we've almost made it through the week!♥

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Morning to all.    I'm here a bit late this morning.     Bad night of sleep so didn't get up as early.     But I'm here.....and I am smoke free!      Cory, sorry you are sick....please take care of yourself.    I thank you for your hand and pledge that I won't, won't, won't smoke today no matter what!     My other hand out to the next in line that is seeking smoke free life!      Sharon 234 days of Freedom!

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Good Morning All!! Glad you were able to sleep in Sharon!!! Thank you for your hand Sharon and I pledge to not smoke for 24 hrs and extend my other hand to the next pledger in line!!!

 We have a new person pledging, welcome Debra, glad your here!!


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Hi Mag thanks for your hand as I pledge not to smoke for 24 hours and extend my other hand to the next person taking the pledge 🙂 Hello Debra so nice to have you here with us!!!!! Love & Light Maria
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Hi everyone!! Maria, Candy and I are so appreciated of your supportive hand! We pledge this day smoke free. We reach our Hands to the next blessing in line.

Anna and Candy~198~

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