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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


MOTHER'S DAY PLEDGE - Sunday May 11th

How badly do you want it? Are you willing to put your quit above everything else in your life as far as priorities are concerned? There are 2,473 members here and we're growing daily. How many of you will make a pledge not to smoke this day? I am holding out strong hands to all you pledglings. Together we can do this. There is power in numbers.

I promise I will not smoke this day. No matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!

Giulia (2 years +)
Etiquetas (1)
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4 Respuestas

I thank you for starting the Mothers Day pledge today ...............

You have some great words ....

I pledge not to smoke today or tonight because it really has never helped me be better at anything and it is expensive and it makes me smell and I just want to stop hurting myself.

SO I extend my hand of support to the next in line ......

The real truth is "YOU CAN DO IT .... we can help"

I am not any better than anyone here. I have some experience to share after failing many times. If you can learn from me great if not hopefully you can learn for someone else because no matter how hard it seems ... it really is possible and my true friends understand I am only here to help and do not need any titles or say I have any titles other than a man for others that has been talents by God to serve others.


I have been quit for 4 Years, 1 Month, 1 Week, 13 hours, 55 minutes and 25 seconds (1,498 days). I have saved $11,988.63 by not smoking 59,943 cigarettes. I have saved 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 3 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 4/4/2004 12:00 AM

Happy Mothers Day !
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I take your hand and i pledge no cigs today...I extend my hand to the next brave quitter.

Smoke Free and Free to Be!

Susan Day 76
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I'm taking all the new non-smoker's hands and holding tight...... today's Mother Day and for the first day, I was glad I actually quit, sitting in church, I wasn't afraid I smelled like cigarettes, we went to see a movie today and I didn't wonder when I could smoke, I actually enjoyed today....... take my hand......
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what a blessing and a wonderful pledge !!! Have a great rest of the Day ! happy Mothers day to you !! We are so proud of you !!
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