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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members



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March, the “days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” (Charles Dickens)

The earth will soon be shaking off it’s cold cloak and all will breathe a sigh of relief.  And Daylight Savings Time will be here on March 14th.

In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.” (Jean Hersey)

Don’t hold back on your quit.  Let that Best of You shine forth and pull you into freedom.  Take a hand, offer a hand, think with a smile, keep hope in your heart.  Know that you CAN do this. And know that we’re all together on this journey caring, supporting, and shouting Rah Rahs with every smoke-free day.


  How to pledge: 

  1. Go to the last reply. It's likely on the last page (scroll down to the pagination and click the last number on the right).
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the last page. 
  3. Click Reply. Grab the hand before you and offer your hand to the next person.
  4. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  5. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My Quit Plan.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that! 


If these help you - use them.  If they don't - create your own.  (Thanks to Jim Taddeo for finding them.)

The Daily Promises

Daily Promises

Monday’s Promise: Responsibility
I will take complete responsibility for my health, my happiness, my success, and my life, and will not blame others for my problems or predicaments.

Tuesday’s Promise: Accountability
I will not allow low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others to prevent me from achieving my authentic goals and from becoming the person I am meant to be.

Wednesday’s Promise: Determination
I will do the things I’m afraid to do, but which I know should be done.  Sometimes this will mean asking for help to do that which I cannot do by myself.

Thursday’s Promise: Contribution
I will earn the help I need in advance by helping other people now, and repay the help I receive by serving others later.

Friday’s Promise: Resilience
I will face rejection and failure with courage, awareness, and perseverance, making these experiences the platform for future acceptance and success.

Saturday’s Promise: Perspective
Though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I will find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials.

Sunday’s Promise: Faith
My faith and my gratitude for all that I have been blessed with will shine through in my attitudes and in my actions.

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323 Respuestas


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@AMReed, @Cousin-Itt, @Giulia and all I will gladly pledge today that I will no could not smoke today. Life easier without worrying where to hide for a smoke. I offer my hand to the next one who joins us. 



Happy April Everyone

   Good Morning Gail @Gail561  and Thank You for your hand as I pledge No Smoking for me today here in SW Ohio.  I offer my free hand to the next Winner in line

  Wishing everyone a safe, enjoyable smoke free Thursday and April 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

March Pledge is closed. Please continue on to the  APRIL DAILY PLEDGE 2021 - EX Community  

EX Community Admin Team
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