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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members



And I am having the WORST time with my quit. I also broke up with the greatest guy that I have ever met yesterday and I can't grab a smoke and be "comforted" by it. All I do is cry and I cant smoke. I have gone for walks, I eat, I get on here and read and read and I am not going to give in. But today FUCKING SUCKS!!!

But I did make it to week 1.
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See ??? There's an "up" side to made it past "Hell Week".....GOOD JOB !!!! CONGRATS !!!!!

Hon...smoking doesn't really "comfort" gotta get past those LIES if you want to quit and stay quit !!! If that guy was so wouldn't have broken up with him, now would you ??? And to see how long smoking will take to kill you...or worse yet; made your life painful and difficult....just over a MAN ??? PFFFFFFFT !!!!!! Just ain't worth it !!!
Keep going...get a good strong quit under your belt...a meet a guy that doesn't smoke....and you can live "Happily Ever After" !!!!

NOW - - - On to Week 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Julie, Carlie ALWAYS finds the perfect words, so the rest of us can only say that she said it all~~BUT SHE DID!!!
Life goes on after cigarettes and HELL WEEK is just that HELL WEEK!! Things do get better......I can't promise it to be tomorrow or the next day.....I can't say that life will always be perfect.....but YOU my dear will be a NO SMOKER!! It really doesn't get any better then that~~That I can PROMISE!!!


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Wow I am left with nothing to say Carlie sure said it all such good advice ... I can see you meeting that new guy who is smoke free and living "Happily Ever After" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad Carlie could find the perfect words.

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Thanks guys. Today is SOOOO much better than today. I even hung out with my best friend all day and she smokes. For a minute I did think, well she smokes menthols and I don't like menthols, so maybe I could have one of hers. And then I remembered reading the First Puff files or what ever they are called and remembered everything and figured its not worth it for a nasty ass ciggie. So I popped in some gum and was actually fine. I am super focused with this quit. I am not quitting just because I am preggers. I want to quit this time, so I am remembering the 2nd day and how much that SUCKED! And I do not want to do that again. Plus my mouth tastes so much better and breathing is a breeze.

Thanks for your support guys. And the guy that I broke up with actually left me. I can be an angry drunk and he is 6 years sober, so it wasn't going to work out anyway. And he is smoke free. So drinking is my next thing to nip in the bud.

Yea, I am one of those fine works of art with lots of nuances, LOL.

Day 8 was a CAKE WALK!
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Hope your tomorrow is better. If we really are honest with ourselves we even had days that sucked even when we smoked. tYou fought hard for your 7 days don't ever let that go. This quit is yours NOBODY gets to take it away So vent get angry read and thank God that tomorrow is a brand new day
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Hang tough lady, I am right there with ya! The day woulda fu** ing sucked even with smoking ! I don't think you care to be comforted by a killer, the real comfort comes from knowing that you have taken a stand to love yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!

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