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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Let Your Quit Be Your Valentine


Let Your Quit Be Your Valentine
Love yourself.  Then you will honor you quit.  

You don’t have to love your quit to honor it.  But it makes it easier if you do.  Most of us didn’t love our quits in the beginning.  We didn’t want to quit at all.  But we did.  And we grew to love them.  So much so that we won't ever let them go now.
You can too.  One day at a time.  With a daily pledge to not smoke.  
I promise not to smoke this day - no how, no sway, no way.  
Here’s my hand on it...

Etiquetas (1)
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122 Respuestas

Gpood Morning All!  Giulia, love thiumper!

Sharon. thanks for your hand.  I am holding on  tight as I pledge not to smoke this day no matter what.  Sun or rain, feast or famine, stress or peace, no smoking by me.  I also offer my hand to the nesxt pledger in line and wish the same for them.

Victoria  179 DOF

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Good Morning All

I gladly take your hand Victoria and pledge to not smoke today, no way and offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge

Mag 950 Days of Freedom

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Morning all.     Thanks for your hand Mag.....hope retirement is going well!    I will hang on as I pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!!     My other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon     931 DOF

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Good Morning All!

Sharon, thanks for your hand. I will hang on as I pledge not to smoke today no matter what. And I also ogger my free hand to the next in line.

Victoria 180 DOF

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Good Morning

Thanks for your hand Victoria, i pledge to be smoke free today and  offer my free hand to the next in line

Mag at 951 DOF

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Good Afternoon! I just looked back and it has been 7 days since I pledged! Wow! I was sick! I missed you guyes!

Mag I take your hand and pledge not to smoke, uh, EXcuse me who's this little guy?

He just wanted to promise not to smoke, you know animals don't  smoke, they don't even like smoke!

Anyway, I offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge.

Terrie 231 DOF

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

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Good morning.   

Terrie, I was wondering about you but knew you were around some.

I will gladly take your hand (and the little guys) and pledge not to smoke today.    I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

And I'll add this....


Sharon      932 DOF

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Good morning all!  I am stressed up to my eyeballs this morning, however I WILL NOT SMOKE over it.

Sharon, thanks for your hand.  I am holding on to it as tight as I can (hope I'm not cutting off the circulation) as I pledge not to smoke today no matter what and I also offer my other hand to the next person in line.

Victoria   181 DOF

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Thanks for your hand Victoria and I pledge to not smoke today, no way.

Hope your stress level goes down. Victoria!!

Mag at 952 DOF

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I've got your hand Mag and I promise not to smoke! I offer my free hand to the next pledger!

232  DOF                       I Won't Quit on my Quit!

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