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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

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Community Manager

June Daily Pledge 2022

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Photo by Ann on Unsplash

Welcome - to the first, or hundred and first, or one thousand and first day of your quit!

In the beginning of our journeys we need to form a pact, make a promise, a commitment with ourselves to not do something we’ve done for perhaps many years.  Whether it’s smoke, vape, chaw, snus - engage in some habitual form of nicotine consumption.  Even NRTs can become addictive with constant overuse if directions aren't followed.

At first we can feel a bit like fish out of water, flopping around in a strange environment and we need to take a helping hand more often, vow more strongly and gather strength from the other fish around us.  In the beginning we especially need to be very attentive to our commitment and hold ourselves accountable.  But as we progress, that need lessens.  Happily.  But still we’ll come back once a day or week or whenever we need to (when that sudden emotional craving moment smacks us) in order to reinforce our commitment and keep our quits safe.  Or simply to offer a hand in support.

Come here whenever you need to.  Take the hand offered by the person before you.  It could be the hand of someone on their first day.  How thrilling is THAT!  And each time you reach out with your other hand for the next quitter know that you're  proclaiming “Yes, I can! And so can YOU!”  

We’re all on this journey together.  And there is strength and beauty in this shared commitment.  Bravo to us all!

  How to pledge

  1. Go to the last reply. It's likely on the last page (scroll down to the pagination and click the last number  (if 10 or less) or >> (if more than 10) on the right).
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the last page and look for the last response to grab the hand before you and offer your hand to the next person.
  3. Scroll back up and click Reply button under the first post on the last page. Start by @mentioning the person before you. 
    1. Alternatively you can pledge this way and use reply and quote button. Click for short video
  4. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  5. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My EX Plan.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong.  How cool is that! 

If these help you - use them.  If they don't - create your own.  (Thanks to @JimTaddeo  for finding them.)

The Daily Promises

Interested in volunteering to run the Daily Pledge? Send me a PM for more information.

Note: The above text has been provided by the EX Community from previously posted Daily Pledges and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of BecomeAnEX, Truth Initiative or the EX Team.

EX Community Admin Team
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472 Respuestas

Thank you I take your hand and EXtend my hand to the next in line. I will not smoke with you today.


@CoraLynnWhite, Good morning!  Thank you for your hand!  I pledge to not smoke today and extend my hand for the next person in line.  Have a great day! 🌞 


Good morning @Cat_Mom_Jen   I gladly accept your hand and pledge not to post today.  Extending many hand to the next Exer pledging.





Morning 🌄 another sunny comfortable day to pledge no smoking for me. It's nice not worrying about getting a nicotine fix. @Barbscloud ill take your hand today and offer my other to the next one who joins us.


Thanks for your hand of support @Gail561 . I accept it with agreement to not smoke today and offer my free hand to the next one to pledge.


@SuzyQ411 i’ll pledge not to smoke today and extend a hand to the next person in line. Mark


Please universe help me stay smoke free


Good Morning All and @Guerline04 ,  

I am happy to take your hand and pledge not to smoke today, and extend my other hand to the next person in line.    


I am new this is my first pledge. I have not stop smoking but trying to cut down . Xmcsn I pledge to that? 


I take the hand of @BLILLYROTEZ @and WELCOME you to the information and resources you will find here. Use them to support your cutting back and eventually being able to quit.  I have found lots of support for this often difficult journey. I extend my hand forward along with my pledge to not smoke today.