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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


July 2014 Daily Pledge......Fireworks in the sky but no fire sticks in our mouths!

Let's join hands, promise to be smoke free and feel the strength of the group!


Etiquetas (1)
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198 Respuestas

Hi Mag. We are holding hands again my friend!  Thank you and I pledge not to smoke this day no matter what. Its going to be a"smokin" hot day here in NOVA today with an excessive heat advisory. (I will take it over cold! Thank you!). Extending my hand to the next in line!!!  oxoxox to all. 

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Hi Ann thanks for your hand this morning as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24hours.  I extend my hand to the next person in line.  I think I will go to your profile again,to see where you live.  I am in NY and its quite hot out this morning but we have a really nice breeze, thank god.  

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Maria I take your hand and pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours or ever.  Hot and muggy here in PA.  I extent my hand out to the next non smoker doing the daily pledge!



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Hi all!!!! I am back home!!  🙂 Jackie what a honor to take your hand and pledge a smoke free day. I reach my other hand out to the next blessing in line.

Ann congrats on your triple digit victory!!

Sharon you rock on your 11 month victory!!!


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I'm back and just in time to celebrate 300 awesome days with Anna, my sweet girl!! I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours. I extend my free hand to the next to pledger in line...................

Candy                D300

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Glad to be here. glad to take your hand and not to smoke for the 24 hrs> I extent my hand to the next person. Congratulations to every one for the mile stones.


summer d4

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Morning to all, summer I gladly take your supportive hand and pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what, I extend my other hand to help support the next pledge in line.


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Morning all!     Harry, once again I get to take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!       I offer my other hand out to the next in line to want this freedom in their life!

Sharon 332 DOF

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    Thank you for you hand Sharon and I promise not to smoke for 24 hours and hold my free hand out to the next in line!! Nice to see you back Candy and glad you are back home Anna!! Nice to see you here Summer!!


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Good Morning all, Thanks for you hand Mag as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours and extend my hand to the next person in line the sky will be lite up for the 4th but we don't have too thank the lord!!! We are all winners here and thats a good thing :-)))) have a good day

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