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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members



    Welcome to the March Pledge
  Are you mad as a March hare that you took that first puff?  Then come here and pledge to remain free from the madness.
   Are you mad as March hare because you're in the early stages of your quit and don't know whether you're coming or going and your emotions are all over the place and you're totally INSANE!?  Then come here and gain just a bit of stability in your thinking by pledging to remain smoke free for a day.  

Are you an Elder who just needs a little maintenance kick to keep you in safe waters as a reminder from where you've  come?  Then add your voice, your pledge, your hand to the next in  line.

   This pledge page is a very simple but potent tool to have in your Quit Kit.  It helps keep you committed.  It helps to keep you honorable to your quit.  It helps to pluck up your courage.  And it's a strong enforcement tool.  Use it! 
  I have been quit 9 Years this very day.  I did it by making a daily commitment to remain free.  To practice NOPE - Not One Puff Ever - for...ever.  I hold out my very Elder hand to you - the next beautiful Pledgling - to make one of the best commitments you will ever PROUDLY make.  It will change you life.  Guaranteed!
Etiquetas (1)
83 Respuestas

Monday Morning.....for many it will be harder to get up and get moving due to Daylight Savings Time.      Not work today!    I do have errands to run and meeting friend for lunch.      Mag, hope you celebrated in great fashion for your 600 DOF.      Way to go Girl!      I will take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what may come along.     I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon 581 DOF

0 Kudos

Good Morning

I gladly take your hand Sharon and pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand out to the next to pledge!!

Mag@601 Days of freedom


0 Kudos

Good Evening

Mag10Q I take your free hand and commit myself to stop smoking for the next 24 hrs. And gladly extend my free hand to nest person in line.

0 Kudos

Morning...Morning.    I'm back at work today....sometimes I wish I was 100% retired instead of part time.    But I can't imagine not doing what I have such a passion to do!     Summer, great to see you!     I will take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!     I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon 582 DOF

0 Kudos

Hi friends. Today is the two year anniversary of my quit date. Its funny because I remember first logging into the site and seeing a blog by Giulia entitled something like, "An Offering in my Seventh Year" and I was so wowed by the fact that someone could be done with smoking for seven years! Now she has NINE YEARS and I have TWO YEARS of freedom!!!!! This all happened because I honored myself with my commitment to be free of nicotine, one day at a time, simple as that! So sorry for rambling, but I'm proud to be free. Thank you for your hand Sharon, I take it with gratitude for my new attitude when it comes to nicotine addiction, its my choice and I  have chosen freedom for today! I will not smoke. Holding out my hands in support and friendship to you all. Much love♥

0 Kudos

Good Morning

I gladly take your hand Cory and congratulations on 2 yrs!!! I pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand to the next in line to pledge!!

Mag@602days of freedom

0 Kudos

Oh Mag I take your hand to pledge not to smoke for 24 hours and extend my other hand out to the next person.   Giulia you really  LIGHT UP this site; Thanks so much I am smiling as I type this; Ghee just when I think you can't top your site; I come here and low and behold another one!!!!!!!!!!

0 Kudos


I take your hand and send big hugs ( I am so glad you are back with us) and pledge to not smoke another day of my life.  I extend my hand to the next EX in line.


Ms J

485 dof

0 Kudos

I'm here and taking your hand Jackie.  Good to see you on here Maria and Cory.  Kudos on the two years!!!!!!  I promise not to smoke this day.  And here's my hand on it next pledgling......

0 Kudos

I take Giulia's hand of support as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours. I extend my free hand to the next pledgling waiting to pledge.................

Candy        58      DOF

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