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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members



LOVE your Quit, LOVE yourself.  Make a simple daily pledge to honor that.

This is the LOVE month with the Valentine in it.  Give yourself the best Valentine ever - a Quit.  YOUR quit.  If you haven't yet gotten there, love yourself and your commitment enough to do so.  If you have quit and need a boost, come here and pledge.  It's a very simple but potent tool that will reinforce your commitment - a daily pledge to honor your choice.  Newbies - you especially need this commitment tool.  Oldbies - we can use it too on a monthly basis for maintenance.  Grab a hand - pledge to remain free for another day.  You will never regret it!


I pledge to remain smoke free this day and I offer my strong 8 year quit hand to the next pledgling to fly on in.  Freedom if Fabulous!

Etiquetas (1)
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94 Respuestas

Good Morning.    Here we are again.....another day to commit to not smoking, to enjoy our breathing, TO SMELL GOOD!     Mag, I take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!    I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

Mag, just put the crescent roll/cream cheese recipe you posted on FB in the oven for morning treat with coffee!     Looking forward to it!

Sharon    566 DOF

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Ah back to my original profile in which I have over 2,000 messages but......I got right here fast due to my friends activitiy which showed up in my messages.  Sharon I got your hand, thank you, as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours.  I am extending my other hand to the next winner in line.  Have a good day all.  love and ligh Maria

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Good morning all

Thank you for your hand Maria and I promise not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand to the next in line to pledge!!!


P.S. Sharon-the recipe should be good-let me know!!!

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I've got your hand, Mag - thanks.  I promise not to smoke this day.  No matter what.  No.Matter.What.  Here's my other hand reaching out for the next pledgling who will make the same promise....... 

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Good Morning.      What exciting thing will we do today?      Well, 1 of the most exciting things in my life in the last year and a half has been that I don't smoke anymore!!!!      And I do all I can to guarantee that to continue.        Making this daily pledge is a huge piece of the success for me.

So, here I am again.

Giulia, thank you for your strong hand.    I take it and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what may come along!     I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon 567 DOF

P. S.    Mag, that dessert is great!    Try it!     I would do 1 thing different though....I would add some jam to the middle along with the cream cheese.     

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Good Morning I gladly take your hand Sharon as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours.  I extend my hand to the next winner in line.  Stay warm and have a good day 🙂

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Good Morning All

Thank you for your hand Maria and I gladly take it and pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand to the next in line tp pledge!!

Mag@587days of freedom

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Good Morning.   It is a back to work day for me.     Won't smoke over it though because each day I make that promise.    So, here I am again....taking Mag's hand and pledging that I will not smoke today no matter what comes my way.    I offer my other hand out to the next in line.

Sharon 568 DOF

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Thank you Sharon for your hand and I pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and hold out my free hand to the next in line!!!

Mag@488 Days of Freedom

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Hi Mag thanks for your hand as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24hours, my other hand is extended for the next person that wants to pledge.  Hold on spring is coming soon everyone 🙂

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