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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

December Daily Pledge 2023

December 2023 Daily Pledge.png

Welcome to Your Quit Journey in December! 

December’s start is your chance to conquer those lingering habits by taking the daily pledge. Whether it’s smoking, vaping, or other types of tobacco products, let’s come together and pledge to quit as a community.

How to Pledge:

  1. Go to the last reply, click the last page number.
  2. Hit 'Reply' under the last pledge.
  3. Tag the last pledger with '@', then compose your pledge.
  4. Click 'Reply' to seal the deal.

Why Pledge?

  • Keeps you accountable.
  • Strengthens community bonds.
  • Daily or weekly check-ins help you stay on track.


Remember, we're stronger together. Come back tomorrow and pledge again!

EX Community Admin Team
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633 Respuestas

@Wozlik No worries.  I can always use a hand!



Suzy @SuzyQ411 

I forgot to CONGRATULATIOS on your 18 months of Smoke Free Living


I can’t make out whose hand I’m taking , I think it’s yours @Wozlik !  Happy December.  I pledge to be a non smoker today and I offer my free hand in support of the next person to pledge! 🥊


Hi, Meriah @McMoney I gladly take your hand.  Forgot to pledge today but happy to say I have not and will not smoke today!!  Wow, December already.  Time is speeding up it seems!  I offer my other hand to the next person to pledge this fine day.


Hello @ReallyReal , thanks for the hand. I am happy to take your hand for completing my first smoke free day and extend my other to the next as I sharpen my resolve and pledge to not smoke again ever. I will accept the hand ups, make this pledge daily and offer up my other hand to all others. Happy day.


@dropitnow congratulations on Day 1.  Yay.  Hope you will post in the conversation journal or support blogs to celebrate victories, ask for support, or just to vent or share how your quit is going.  You have made the best possible choice--choosing Life!!!


Thank you - and I will. Currently trying to find my way around in here, but super happy that you and sooooo many are in here working thru this together! It helps so much.


thank you and hope you have a strong support system


I take your hand and pledge on my day 26 to not smoke. I found out I really do have a great support system at home and have not needed this site this time around like I did last time. I have also never made it 26 days! I'm on the smallest patch with no gum and in another week will be off patches as well. 🙂

I extend my free hand to the next EXer in line! Weve got this together!



@notyoufreds1, Good morning!  Thank you for your hand!  I pledge to not smoke today and extend my hand for the next person in line.  Have a great day! 🎁