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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Daily Pledge DEC-14-09 through DEC-20-09

THIS IS THE PLACE! Pledge here EVERY DAY! It really works!

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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18 Replies

Thanks Jim.  I will earn the help I need in advance by helping other people now, and repay the help I receive by serving others later.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

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I will gladly take the hands around me and offer support and strenght as I pledge Not to smoke for the next 24 hours. Happy and Healing for 37 days....
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Congratulations Kate, 37 DAYS ROCKS! I gladly accept your hand and I will face rejection and failure with courage, awareness, and perseverance, making these experiences the platform for future acceptance and success.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!


I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 1 year, 5 months, 27 days, 55 minutes and 31 seconds (545 days).

I've not smoked 10901 death sticks, and saved $2,489.97.
I've saved 37 days, 20 hours and 23 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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Hi Papa Jimmy, my name is Abby and I'm a nicotine addict.  I will gladly take your hand and pledge to not smoke no matter what for the next 24 hours!  It's day 6 for me and I feel good.  I extend my free hand to the next in line....


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Good Morning Abby.      I will face rejection and failure with courage, awareness, and perseverance, making these experiences the platform for future acceptance and success.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

I extend my free hand to the next ex in line.....

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Thanks Theresa....Welcome Abby and Kate...this is a GREAT choice. I gladly accept your hands and Though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I will find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 1 year, 5 months, 28 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes and 58 seconds (546 days).

I've not smoked 10922 death sticks, and saved $2,495.11.
I've saved 37 days, 22 hours and 12 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
0 Kudos

Hey Jimmy,  I'll gladly take your hand and pledge to not smoke today no matter what!  It one Week free from nicotine!  And I can do anything for 24 hours!!  Making this pledge everyday (I do it on other sites too) is the themost important start to my days.  I extend my hand to the the next in line wanting to do the same.....


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Good moning again Abby!!!  Though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I will find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

Theresa - Free and Healing for Eight Months, Ten Days, 13 Hours and 35 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 17 Days and 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 5091 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $1,286.24.

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Thanks Theresa.......My faith and my gratitude for all that I have been blessed with will shine through in my attitudes and in my actions.
I will NOT smoke today NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! It has never helped me in my life and I Pledge to remain FREE FROM NICOTINE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 1 year, 5 months, 29 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 38 seconds (547 days).

I've not smoked 10943 death sticks, and saved $2,499.95.
I've saved 37 days, 23 hours and 54 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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