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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Daily Pledge August 2010

Make your Daily Pledges for August 2010 HERE!

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
Etiquetas (1)
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59 Respuestas

Good morning sheri, I thank you for the hand and I too pledge to remain smoke free for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
0 Kudos

Congratulations Linda! I gladly take your hand and help you rejoice in a wonderful 4 weeks of being smoke free.  I also pledge to not smoke today and extend my hand to the next EX in line who is ready to make their pledge.

0 Kudos

Hi Everyone, i sure do need to pledge today before  i do something real stupid and start again. so here it goes I PLEDGE TO REMAIN SMOKE-FREE FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS.  I extend my hand  to the next pledge person

0 Kudos

Good morning sandi....GREAT IDEA coming back and making a pledge, or just making the pledge itself works too, I gladly accept your hand and I pledge to remain smoke free for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
0 Kudos

Good morning Linda and thank you for extending your free hand to me. I gladly take it and pledge not to smoke today. I extend my free hand to the next EX in line who is ready to pledge.

0 Kudos

Thanks sheri, I pledge to remain smoke free for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
0 Kudos

Hi Linda, I will gladly take your hand, thank you. Today is a lucky Friday 13 because I pledge to be smoke free today and I extend my free hand to the next EX in line who is ready to take their pledge.  

0 Kudos

OK...........The company is sending me unexpectedly on the road for several days. KEEP PLEDGING! I promise to remain smoke free until I return and then I will be right back here with you. I'm proud of each of you and I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!

I pledge to remain smoke free for the next several days and I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXT EX in line.

Bring your friends and family to the pledge, IT WORKS! All you have to do is be true to YOU!

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 2 years, 1 month, 22 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes and 58 seconds (783 days).

I've not smoked 15671 death sticks, and saved $3,639.49.
I've saved 54 days, 9 hours and 55 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
0 Kudos

Good morning Sheri.  I will take the pledge with you today as I will be around a smoking friend and need to keep my guard up,  I pledge to remain smoke free for today no matter what it may bring.  I extend my hand and my strength to the next ex in line who is ready to pledge.

0 Kudos

Sheri, Good Morning!  I gladly take your hand an pledge to be smoke free today.  I extend my hand to the next EX who is willing to take the pledge and offer my support and strength too.

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