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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


A New Year - A New Pledge

if you're here to (make a pledge) to quit because you've decided without any prior thought to do so - think again.  This is not just a place for end-of-the ear New Year's resolutions.  The "Oh I REALLY NEED TO QUIT SMOKING" cry and so "THIS YEAR I'll really DO IT!"  And "New Year's is the PERFECT TIME!."  We've all been there, attempted that.  For most of us that New Year's resolution was just a wishful thought based on hope and what our inner wisdom told us we should do for the benefit of our health.  It was a beautiful, but brief, emotional desire, supported by very little else than the "I SHOULD." 

Quitting takes so much more than that.  It  takes all sorts of thoughtful supportive measures.  It takes desire, yes, but desire is not the deciding factor.  Knowledge, dedication, commitment, sacrifice, homework, perseverance...  all the words we really don't want to hear.  That's what quitting takes.  Well, the lasting kind, anyway.   We want it to be easy.  We want to take a pill and awaken the next day craving free.  Doesn't happen.  YOU have to do the work necessary to achieve the success you want.  YOU have to make and take the time.  YOU have to learn and apply that learning and you may have to make some sacrifices along the way.  Are you willing?  It's an incredibly empowering journey.  You'll learn things about  yourself you never knew  And they are positively THRILLING! 

No, it's not an easy ride.  Smoking has consumed your days and twilights.  For YEARS.  It has consumed most of your being  in more ways than than you have even considered.  But you'll discover all that if you stick around and, well - just read.   In order to overcome this addiction, you have to consume something else.   A different mindset.  Your brain, unfortunately was sabotaged without your knowledge.  But knowledge will give you the keys necessary to unlock the door to your Freedom.  It's YOUR choice. 

What will you choose?

This is a one-day-at-a-time journey.  Get through today and you will find it will aid your tomorrow.  Each smoke-free day builds upon the next and adds strength and encouragement to those days which followl.

Those who have been a member of this group and have pledged daily, know the strength of this daily dose of commitment.  You do us all  honor every day.  Thank you.

I, Giulia,  pledge to remain smoke free this day as I have for the past 3,592 days.  Take my hand and don't be afraid.  It get's easier.  Really it does!  Rejoice!  Who will join me?

Etiquetas (1)
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125 Respuestas

Howdy do! Hey, I got the rest of those decoratioons put up! So today I am eating healthier to help improve the new smoke-free me! I promise not to smoke! Who's next? and what goals do you have for today? on top of staying smoke-free of course!

Terrie  192  DOF

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Hi Terrie!  I'm here with you girlfriend!  My pledge today is to stop beating myself up for eating too much and being lazy and, instead, give myself a pat on the back for being smoke free for 3 weeks.

Better fat than dead, right?

0 Kudos

@ Sharon - Nobody asks and I don't need them to.  But then I'm coming up on 10 years smoke free so I HOPE I'm over the needy accolade stage by now!  LOL.  HOWEVER, you bet I'll want some kudos on my 10 Year Anniversary!  And you can also bet I'll remind people!

I will not put a cigarette in my mouth.  NOPE I won't.  Freedom is too Fabulous to go back to being a slave!  We are the IN crowd.  YAY us!

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Morning.     I feel like I'm being a "baby" in that I want people to at least mention "how long HAS it been?".    But it's more about how I feel, right?    RIGHT!

Today I'm going to go to our company breakfast.   I have to drive about 40 miles...yuk.....but they have great food!.       And I won't have to sneak out after I eat to fill up on nicotine....I remember doing that.........

One of the things I love the most is that I don't have to hack, cough (that awful sounding smokers cough) and try to pretend that "oh, I have a little cold".     HA......

So, today.....I'll hang on to Giulia (because she is my hero with 10 years coming up!) and say no to smoke today.

I'll reach out and see if anyone else feels the same.

Sharon 893 DOF

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Good Morning All

I gladly take your hand Sharon and pledge not to smoke today, no matter what and offer my free hand to the next in line!!

Giulia-almost 10 yrs-WOW!! Freedom is too fabulous!!

Mag 913 DOF

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Good morning all!

Mag, thanks for your hand.  Well, I did it again- stayed on page one while the rest of you were on page two.  So, I didn't smoke yesterday anbd I pledge not to smoke today.  My hand is out there for the next pledger.

Victoria  141 DOF

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Good Morning!

I pledge not to smoke today no matter what happens.  I will be taking it hour by hour today.

Thanks for your hand Victoria

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Hello folks! Well after I made it beyond the 6 month mark. I have been trying to exercise at least 10 minutes a day and eat healthier foods. I was doing good all week and then PIZZA last night and fried potatoes today. BF has me spoiled and I need to be as commited to eating as I am to my quit! UGH I won't smoke! I've got your hand Victoria! Who has mine? and what's new with you?

Terrie  193  DOF

and Giulia coming up on 10 years! WOW just.........WOW! You are my hero, too!

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@ Sharon I don't wait for anyone to ask me, I just go about announcing it all over the place. I don't think some people like it much. A friend said in response to me "well I am gonna die with a cigarette in my hand" I said "that's your choice". I guess I will wait till people ask! EXcept you gals (guyes) of course!   193  DOF

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Not gonna smoke today Hurray!  Yippeee Ki-yo Ki-yay.


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