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Archive of Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations


9 97 2,611

It is with a heavy heart that I take my seat at this keyboard to compose this final run of The Freedom Train. However I do have it on good authority, that we will be joined today by a number of old friends that we have not seen in a while! Please help me make this a special day that we can all remember!!

Good morning fellow EXer's! The Freedom Train is on the tracks, and prepared to make it's daily run to Freedom from smoking! Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal Freedom, and that of their friends!!

Today's celebrations:

Noknowingwhereweregoing has 50 Days of Freedom!

Tomorrow's celebrations:

Turborose will have ONE YEAR of Freedom! 6% Club!

LexyLuna will have 300 Days of Freedom





Now, we encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, and those of your friends! Show your pride in your quit! Days, 200 Days or 2000 Days! More, if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our FREEDOM!! Post food and music! IT IS PARTY TIME!!!

Let us begin this magical run that today will include stops in Canada (Mothergoose and others) and the west coast (Maggie and Smokedout and others)

This Train is bound for FREEDOM from the Evils tobacco and smoking!!



I would like to extend a very special, heartfelt THANK YOU to all the people who have help to make this Train the great icon of this site! I love you all! For many years The Freedom Train has left the station with the tag line,"IF YOU ARE NOT RIDING WITH US, YOU ARE MISSING THE TRAIN"! After this weekend, I can assure you that many of us will be missing the Train!           Tommy

97 Comentarios

CONGRATS to all our milestones!

Thanks for keeping the train running as long as it has!

~Kristen 1027 DOF

Goodbye train  

Patty Loveless - How Can I Help You Say Goodbye - YouTube 

sarah mclachlan - i will remember you - YouTube 


Thank you to each and every conductor who managed to keep the train going.  I am overwhelmed with sadness and really hope that something can replace it so that we remain connected in our celebrations of milestones.  Each conductor was wonderful and my heart hurts thinking they will not be here any more.  I love you all and congratulate every person on this train now and every person who has ever ridden the train.

With much love,



Thank you to all who made this train such a joy to ride!  You guys went above and beyond in keeping it running.  Congrats to all for another day WON!


619 DOF


Congrats to those celebrating milestones today.   I'm happy I got to celebrate my 100 days before it's demise.   I too will miss the Freedom Train.  Thanks to all who kept it running.

109 DOF


Thank you Tommy for creating a special place where we can celebrate milestones and the true joys of freedom!

Thank you to every conductor who took the time to lead us to some super memorable rides!  All rides have made a difference!  And that cumulative effect is priceless!

Congratulations to every rider!  You have chosen freedom and that is something only you can give yourself.  So pats on backs, toss hats in air, hold hands and let's ride baby ride!


It's been an honor Tommy boarding this awesome Freedom Train for pretty much four years now, thank you and thank you to all of you that's conducted this train including our cyn9 whom I remember too, I'll miss this Train but I'm very thankful that I've been blessed to be able to be a part of it XO ,Congratulations to our Double Milestones this glorious morning YAY and YAY again for Smokefree living and yay for each and every Day WON, I'm here with 1447 days and smiling because Life is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand, thanks again Tommy here's a humongous hug from me to you dear friend and Fellow Exer and most definetly EXtended family.....



I'm here to join y'all on this historic journey with my almost 2000 days of FREEDOM!! Congratulations to everyone who has quit and is on their journey or about to start one!


My name is Marcie and Ive been quit for 7 years 2 months 26 days and 10  hours! I have NOT smoked 52,889 cigarettes... Thank GOD ❤️ Many of you don't know me. I haven't been back here in a while. When I quit in 2011 I was here every day, all day, on and off. I needed to be. After a while I was doing fine with my quit but I stayed here for a long time and helped others with their quits. I was also one of the very first Freedom Train conductors! I am sorry to see it take its last ride but so glad I was a part of it all, Thank you Tommy for trusting me with it.

Keep going everyone! Do NOT smoke no matter what! you CAN do it. It WILL get better and better as long as you do not smoke.

Love you all,

~ Marcie~ Not One Hit Since the Day I Quit!!!! 7 years and counting


It was a pleasure to help conduct the train.  Your legacy will not be forgotten


Hi everyone,

Congrats to the celebrating.

Sorry the train is ending.

It’s been enjoyable.

 I wish you all well.

Have a good day.


A huge thank you to all the conductors, milestoners and especially you pir8fan for the inspiration & support this idea of yours has given all of us over these years.

I know that I am guilty of trying to prolong some great event or good times in my life only to realize that time has truly gone. I can have fond memories but can't lament and dwell in the past else how would I grow. If I did I would miss all of the good things going on around me. Trust me, there are a lot of good things going on here at EX.

The Freedom Train will be missed and we will move on to more good things.

Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of something that changed so many lives for the better.

Another huge congratulations to all of todays milestoners.

Keep on keepin on,

Mike n @lanta on board with 5,020 days of freedom!

The Freedom Train


In my time, all of the milestones celebrated on the Train have been derived from a spreadsheet created and updated by ShawnP‌.  I believe she also kept track of quit dates, and updated the spreadsheet when someone lapsed.  To this day, she was ALWAYS there when a sub was needed to run the train.  I cannot begin to imagine the hours she cheerfully and willingly put in.  Her willingness and dedication to support this effort were Herculean.

Hat's off to HER as we bid farewell to this tradition.  We could not have run it without her.




It's Been A Run!

Take care of that heavy heart.

Thanks to all the conductors and

Congratulations to everyone who's on the path to freedom.

4198 days for me


Congratulations everyone!  It is really nice seeing folks that don't stop by very often.  A big thanks to Tommy for keeping the train going all those many years.  It was a pleasure to conduct the train and I will miss both riding and conducting.


In the relatively short time I've been here (6 months and 4 days, or 187 days of freedom) I have thoroughly enjoyed this train, whether or not I chose to ride every day.  I, too, hope there will arise some form of replacement for the celebrations of our milestones.  Thank you for all the encouragement and happiness.


Turning in my conductors hat is hard but I am so grateful I got to be a part of the Freedom Trains run.

Thanks to everyone who has taken time to ride the trains and to all those who conducted them over the years. The train may be having its final run, but we  still have pledge post. Lets make the best of it and lift each other up over there.

Meanwhile I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Congrats to:

noknowing‌ and a FABULOUS 50 DAYS


@LexiLuna With 300 days of Freedom Tomorrow


And Finally to TurboRose and One Full Amazing Year tomorrow!!!


Farewell Freedom Train. Thank you again Tommy providing it as long as you did  and to ShawnP for all your hard work and efforts as well



I am here with 1396 Beautiful Days of Freedom


Humongous thank you with a ginormous smile and a loving hug for you sweet ShawnP XO thank you again dear friend and Fellow Exer and most definetly EXtended family XO. 


Congrats to the winners today and tomorrow and everybody with another day WON

Noknowingwhereweregoing has 50 Days of Freedom! WTG

Tomorrow's celebrations:

Turborose will have ONE YEAR of Freedom! 6% Club! Wonderful

LexyLuna will have 300 Days of Freedom Soon to be with the 6% ers

I am on with 1251 DOF  Toot Toot

Thanks for picking me up. 


Thank you & keep on keepin on,




It is with a heavy heart that I watch this final train head off into the sunset.  I ride this last time with 2,187 days of freedom from addiction.



Congratulations to our celebrants this weekend!  

Noknowingwhereweregoing has 50 Days of Freedom! WTG

Tomorrow's celebrations:

Turborose will have ONE YEAR of Freedom! 6% Club! Wonderful

LexyLuna will have 300 Days of Freedom Soon to be with the 6% ers

Many sincere thanks to all who have been conductors on the train.  Your service is appreciated!

I am happy to be riding the last train today with 374 DOF.



Four years, ten months, three weeks, four days, 1 hour, 57 minutes and 24 seconds. 35801 cigarettes not smoked, saving $12,262.06. Life saved: 17 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 25 minutes.

And I could not have done it without the EX!

Thanks to all who helped start, run and ride the train.    (I loved my turn at being the conductor!)

My love to all!!!

Sharon (Smorgy)


Thank you Tommy for creating such a special place of celebration, and thanks to all the conductors that have kept it running .  I am proud to be riding  the train today with 2007 days of freedom !!!  I might have been able to quit on my own, but I'm so very grateful that i didn't have to !!  Love you Tommy !!

keep calm and carry on

Wendy 12/31/12


Good afternoon. I am presently at a lake for a fishing trip although I'm not fishing. Lol I am boarding with umpteen days.

First of all, congratulations to all our celebrants today. Turborose, I cant believe it's been a year. I remember when you first joined and I was checking in on you. Welcome to the 6% club.

Tommy, thanks for starting this wonderful tradition that we've got to love during the years of celebrating milestones. Thanks to all the conductors for all of your time and love that was put in to make our day special. Love to all of you!

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


This Freedom Train has been quite a ride.Thanks for all you've done, Tommy! Thanks to all the supporters/friends on the Ex site helping so many. Love ya. To all quitters: Image result for congratulation images

My Quit Stats: 6 years

2 Months

15 Days

9 Hours

6 Minutes

of Freedom!


Cigarettes avoided!

Image result for dancing images


To Tommy, and all those who kept this train on the guys are awesome!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

It’s hard to see the end of something so powerful, and something that has made such an impact on so many. Freedom is a beautiful thing, a beautiful thing that sadly, eludes too many.   Many have come and gone and still live in bondage to the slave of nicotine. However, here we celebrate those that are DOING what many only dream about and wish for!!!!   And who knew that this would go beyond just quitting smoking, and grow into deep and lasting friendships??? 

So I take this last train ride, not only to celebrate 4,679 smoke-free days and over 70,185 unsmoked cigarettes, but the many wonderful people that will be forever special to me!!!!  I love you all.....and you know who you are.  

Cheers to all that have kicked this addiction to the curb!!!!

Thank you for swinging by Canada to pick me up. 


hello exers... i am here to celebrate my five years of being smoke free... tommy ( i.e. pir8fan... i think was hi handle)... started this train way back when i first started quiting... and it was fun.. it gave us unity... and we were able to express our joy..

quitting is hard work and even though this train will be parked in the train museum... we will always remember it with fondness... Tommy thank you and all the conductors that pitched in when it became overwhelming.... 

but yeah we all understand that there is more to life than putting in all those hours witha make believe train...

hoooo...wooo... one final blow... just toot your horn as loud as you can... it was a good run tommy.....See the source image


BIG CONGRATULATIONS to those we celebrate on this last Freedom Train!

noknowing - yeah for 50 days of freedom! Half way to Triple Digits!

LexyLuna‌ - congratulations on 300 days!


TurboRose Yowza - you're in the 6% club now! Congrats!


Thanks to everyone who had a hand in running this wonderful celebration train. I am glad I got to be part of it. A special thanks to all my fellow conductors, and to ShawnP‌ and pir8fan‌. You're legends in your own time, and heroes of mine.


Congratulations to our celebrated members, wonderful milestones you hit today!

Thank you for picking me up for this last ride with 841 DOF.

And thank you for the years of service to Tommy and all the conductors who worked hard to offer us a platform to come together and celebrate our journey to freedom.  I will be forever thankful for that.



This brings tears as I remember all the great times on the train as a conductor. I miss you all so much. I am sorry to say that I relapsed after 7 years quit, but am getting back on track. Just shows you to never drop your quard and just '1', will NOT be just '1'.     I treasure my times and lifelong friends I met here. Love you all! Thank you Tommy! 


((((((((((((((((((((Huge loving hug coming your way cyn9))))))))))))))))))))

Love you too, my older sister relapsed after 7 years quit but is also getting back on track it's so good to see you please come more often if you can .......


Thank you for all you've done for the freedom train Shawn & keep on keepin on my friend



Image result for Hugs images


Thank you Tommy for picking me up and for getting this freedom train on its tracks.  Congratulations to noknowing  on your first big milestone of 50 days of freedom Woohoo way to go and keep moving forward, and to LexyLuna  on 300 wonderful days of freedom, 65 days to go to join the 6% club Hurray!! and to TurboRose  on your beautiful 365 days = 1 yr Woohoo to you and welcome to the 6% club and HOORAY to our newest Elder.

Wow this is hard to get on here today knowing it is the last train ride I will ride and conduct.  This train really helped me stay positive about my quit when I seen people celebrating important milestones as it helped me see others could get there so could I.  I am so glad I got to be part of this wonderful Freedom train. Shawn thank you for all your hard work in keeping spreadsheets up to date and conducting the train and keep it going. I feel hored to have been a conductor and will miss driving the train.  Tommy If it is always keeping my conductors hats for memory sake. Thanks again Tommy and Shawn. I am aboard  with 778 days  = 2 years, 1month, 17 days, 14 hours and 3 minutes of freedom and cigarettes avoided 19465.


I had started a spreadsheet, freedom train history and i have every one of your trains documented to this day. Thanks for all you did!


Thank you YoungAtHeart‌ and MarilynH


omg Cyn! it does show that we can never let our guard down.


I am SO sorry to read this.  One H#ll of an addiction is this!

Let us know if we can help in your next time!



I too remember the first days of the Freedom Train, such joy and celebration, such FOOD we had!  Thank you Tommy and Shawn for all your efforts for all these years.  You have been a Blessing to all of us EXers and will not be forgotten!  


Here's some cake!


Congratulations to our final milestone riders  today.

Notknowwhereweregoing sure has found out where with 50 days of freedom.  Super!

Turborose - I'll see you on the Elder's List tomorrow!  Oh boy!

LexyLuna - you are 65 days away from the 6% club and Elder's List.  How sweet.

This is kind of how I feel at the moment.

Image result for waving goodbye train

Here's to our wonderful Conductors over the years.  It's been a great ride!  (No doubt I've left somebody out - if so, please forgive and let me know so I can make a new hat even if the train IS in the museum now!)

Conductor Tommy.jpg                            Conductor Shawn.jpg

 Conductor Maggie.gif                  Conductor Smorgy.jpg

Conductor Jennifer.jpg              Conductor Terrie.jpg

Conductor c2q.jpg                         Conductor Youngatheart.jpg

Conductor Jackie.jpg                   Conductor Pops.jpg

Conductor Shashort.jpg              Conductor cyn9.jpg

Conductor Mandolinrain.png              Conductor Marcie.jpg

Conductor crazymama.jpg              Conductor Madyzsgocka.jpg

Conductor Linda.png              Conductor Bobby.jpg

I know how much a labor of love the Freedom Train was to conduct.  What a beautiful gift you gave us, our Master Conductor Tommy, straight from that large heart of yours.  Shawn - my hat's off to you for being the greatest time scheduler and ticket taker.  (If you saw her spreadsheet for the milestones you'd understand how much care went into this tradition.)  And what generous spirits those who took the time to steer.   Each with their own personal touch.  That's what made it so special.  The tracks will always be there for those who wish to travel on this journey to Freedom.  And the next tradition is just around corner.  Perhaps a Freedom Ship?  

I'm riding today with 4,504 Smoke Free Days.  That's 12 years, 3 months and 29 days.  And grateful for every one.  And to those who worked so lovingly to keep the train running.

Stay on track everybody.

Image result for train shadow pic


plus Linda, Bobby, Madyzsgocka, crazymama, 



So confused about what is going on!

But hopping aboard with 2127 days, because the Freedom Train never forgot me!


Dearest cyn9‌ , I am so, so very happy to hear that you are alive and doing ok.  My heart aches to hear that you are having to get back on track, but know that you are loved, and I for one am here for you!!!!!!

(((((((hug)))))) for you, my Dear Friend!!!

Irish Rose


Congratulations to:

Noknowingwhereweregoing with 50 days;

Turborose, awesome you make the 6% list tomorrow with one whole year, four seasons smokefree; and

LexyLuna, you will be 65 days away from one year tomorrow.

Way to go, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Irish Rose



I am climbing aboard with 2,942 days of freedom from cancer sticks.

Pirate Man, you forgot to tell everyone to bring their luggage.  You would think that after eight years, I would have gotten rid of my luggage, but as is life, it remains with me, because I cannot unload it.   

With that said, I hope you have an extra car for this extra load...


I have dibs on a window seat!

(((((hug))))) for you, Pirate Man.

Love you too,

Irish Rose


Thanks Tommy for starting the Train and being able to celebrate all the milestones of mine and all. Thanks to all the 

conductors who put a lot of work in keeping the train going. It meant so much to me to see where every one was at in their quits.

Mag 1811 Days of Freedom


I will hop aboard one more time.  1723 days ago I was a smoker.  I was elated when I was celebrated on this train and loved celebrating all of the Ex's on their milestones.  All things must come to an end.  I so appreciate your doing this Tommy for all of us.  I appreciate all the other conductresses also.  Be well.


It was an honor to have celebrated day 2,000 this week on the train. Thanks, Tommy, Shawn, and all of the conductors past and present who kept the train rolling on time. Congrats to today's celebrants and all aboard. I'm grateful I had the opportunity to make it here today. I'll miss it and must say I wish that I would have made it more often. I won't ever forget the "Freedom Train"  and the joy it brought.