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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


Your Quit Is Not Here

~~You will see me struggle but you will never see me quit.~~  Unknown

You aren't going to find your quit here.  You will find suggestions, advice, encouragement, tips, hints, and information.  But you won't find your quit here.

You aren't going to find your quit in an NRT.  No patch has the answer for you.  No gum takes the challenge from you.

Your quit is within you.  Seriously.  Take time away from the internet, away from well-intentioned friends, away from all the information on why quitting is necessary and good and do-able.

Take time to look within.  Are you willing to stop believing you will fail?  Do you know that quitting is entirely possible AND that you can do it?  Can you acknowledge that it is time to stop setting yourself up to fail and just do it, come hell or high water?  Most importantly, are you willing to undergo anything....absolutely anything....rather than pick up another cigarette?

Because those who are serious about quitting no matter what, will quit.  Those who give themselves an out by doubting themselves, by being worried about failing, by wondering if they are ready, usually don't.

You see, the quit isn't in the NRTs, although they can certainly help the craves.  The quit isn't in the support, although support while quitting can inspire and motivate.  The quit isn't even in this site, although this site is the absolute BEST for information, knowledge, support, and wisdom.

The quit, my friend, is in you.  Only you.  And if you succeed, it's because you wanted to.  And if you return to smoking, it's because you wanted to.  Not something you want to hear, I know.  It's not the stress and it's not the pain and it's not the loss you suffered that returns you to cigarettes, it's you.

So take smoking off the table.  Once you quit, KNOW in your heart that you will matter what....ever pick up another one.  It's there in you where you'll find your quit.  It's through your strength, your commitment, your courage that you will keep your quit.

The NRTs, the EX site, the friendships.....are all for maintaining what you already have inside you.  You are the foundation of your quit.  Know that.  Because once you do, you will find your quit and you will delight in it.  I'm sure of it 🙂 

Etiquetas (1)
104 Respuestas

@elledubbelu  Super congrats on 5 days of success. It took me 50 years and numerous attempts to finally get it.  When I found the Ex I learned about nicotine addiction and the need to be prepared. It's great that you're so excited about your quit.  Keep that positive attitude - it will take your far.  

Just look at the bottom to be sure your at the last entry. 

Re: March Daily Pledge 2023 - Page 51 - EX Community

Look forward to seeing you on the Pledge!

Stay busy and stay close.




Way to go!  

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It's been hard 

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Yes.  It IS hard.  Listen to what Sheri says.  "The quit, my friend, is in you.  Only you.  And if you succeed, it's because you wanted to.  And if you return to smoking, it's because you wanted to."  Yes, it's hard.  WANT it, no matter what, and it will eventually get easier.  Translation - keep choosing the choice you made UNTIL it gets easier.  Then you'll find how empowered you've been throughout the process.  And NOTHING will stop you from the attainment of future goals and achievements.  Because once you conquer this - you are Master of your Universe! 

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@mcauleyjackie31 We're here for you.  Reach out anytime you need some support to help with your journey.  Always reach out before you consider smoking, not after.  It saved my quit and others many times in the early days of quitting.  It works!

Doing it together: Utilizing the Power of Support - EX Community




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My quit date is tommorow and I just joined the site 2 weeks ago. I haven't done much yet in the chats but a text popped up on my phone and I clicked the link and read this. Very inspiring and true. I believe I have the foundation in me this time around to stay off cigarettes. Thank you.

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Welcome, @notyoufreds1!

Best wishes for your quit date tomorrow!

While I see your comment, only those of us on this thread originally will.  I highly recommend that you write a blog to introduce yourself to the current community (Ex Community-top left, then center blue box, "Post a Journal/Blog).  You will reach the wider group this way.

I look forward to seeing you there!


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I spent 30 years complaining and whining to God and people around me that I wanted and needed to quit.  EX is helping me to everyday think about what my goal is and that I’m not completely alone in this struggle.  But I’m a way, I am, still, as the reading above suggests.  

I am GREATLY encouraged to meditate on this article!!!  THANK YOU!!!


i feel with the Ex made it easier to quit.  Although there is nothing easy about quitting.  This group made such a difference.  You got this!!


Good to see you, @Ashley1985 !  Great quit you got going!  Congratulations!

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