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When You Get The Urge To Smoke?

There are a number of ways to deal with it.

You don't want to magnify it.  That only makes you want to smoke more.

1 Realize it will typically last a few minutes and ride it out. 

2 Detach yourself by stepping outside that focus and realizing it's all in your mind and snap out of it.

3 You can jump up and down on some twinkies (if you can find any) screaming "why have you left me?"

4 You can bite into a lemon, skin and all, stick your head in a freezer and breathe the cold air, Run in place, Splash water on your face, eat a bug, clean your rug, give someone you love a hug.

5 Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it as a reminder. (not too hard, it's only meant to sting a little)

6 Let an ice cube melt in your mouth.

7 Laughing out loud may draw a crowd but it will shoo that crave right out.

Fortunately the reminders of smoking fade away but, it takes time.

You can make them leave you alone quicker by using self talk.

Say "I don't do that anymore" every time you get a crave.

You didn't smoke for a week or a month did you?

YOU SMOKED FOR YEARS, RIGHT? So give it time. Time distances you from your ties to smoking. 

please add what is working for you to the list AND

if you feel like you are being overtaken?

Come here and post the word HELP and wait for responses.

Etiquetas (1)
8 Respuestas

Get busy with your passion - art, music, crafts, etc...

Count your Blessings

Go for a walk or a work out

Read The Easy Way - again

Help somebody else

Fill your mind with positive affirmations

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Deeeeeep breaths - slow and steady, concentrating on each inhale and exhale!


Quit 7/4/12

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I can say the alphabet backwards in less than 6 seconds and that took A LOT of practice! I spent much of my 'urge time' trying to remember many of the things taught in 3rd through 5th grade! Every state, capital and primary resource, multiplication tables, list of presidents in order of appearance, everybody in my fourth grade (first & last name) you get my drift! Mental gymnastics can be extremely distracting and you can do them anywhere!

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Thanks for posts like this- can't get enough "stay quit" reminders.

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Wash dishes.  Can't smoke while washing dishes. 

Take a shower, Can't smoke while taking a shower

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Sit on your hands every time you are in the throes of the horrendous cravings because you can't smoke if you're sitting on your hands. 

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Hug the litter box You can't smoke when you're hugging the litter box. 



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