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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


The name of this Website is BecomeanEX. At first I didn't get it. I thought it was just another name because nobody could think of a better one. 

Now, I believe there was a ton of science behind this name: Become an EX!

Becoming is a process!

It doesn't happen in one day or with one decision. It happens with perseverance, persistence, and willingness to become but also a vision. In order to become we make a clear image of what we are aiming to become - giving us a direction, a goal and end game. Otherwise how do you know where you're going?

This may be confusing to a Nicotine Addict - because they still look at what they're giving up - they sometimes don't see where they're going but it's vital to your success to envision where you're going and what it will look like once you get there! Your vision may not be perfect or play out exactly the way you expect but it is your Road Map!

Now that you know what you think EX-Smoker looks like - how it feels, how it lives - the next step is to Fake-it-till-you-make-it! It's uncomfortable, it feels dishonest, it's foreign - outside of my comfort zone! Even professionals who get a promotion go through this stage of becoming. They feel like a fraud, a phony, an imposter and hold their breath that they aren't discovered! But this is the transition of becoming! So when you're in No-Man's-Land expect to feel uncomfortable, recognize that it is normal, and just keep going!

Now comes the next stage, believe! You don't just wake up one day and think, "I believe I'm an EXer!" It's hard work! You may or may not experience belief as a light bulb moment. Or you may just slowly realize that you're not faking anymore - you really are that person you created in your mind all those days ago. Well, maybe not exactly - in some ways you're even better than that image! But you have definitely arrived! Belief is taking a step into the unknown. There will be questions: "How do I know I will like the person I am becoming?" There comes a time when you mentally shift  your thinking knowing that I am the Master of my own Destiny! The decisions I make every single moment of every single day define who I am - and Our Creator gave us mere humans the right and FREE will to decide! Decision is one of the many things we willingly gave away to our Addiction. Now we reclaim it for ourselves! Decision is the ultimate Personal Power! 

You have become!

It all sounds so linear but it isn't!  Every single day of Recovery, every shift in our mentality creates a new vision, a new process of adjusting our fake-it-till-you-make-it, a new illumination of, "I get it!", a new belief in the possible! A new reaching out to fulfill our God given potential - to become the best me I can imagine. That's the process and it gloriously never ends! Becoming is such a powerful word! Subtly it's loaded with all of these messages and even more. This just represents what - so far - I have been able to capture after 7 1/2 Years of Becoming an EX! I look forward with enthusiasm to discovering even more secrets to becoming! I pray that this process will last a lifetime! In fact, I believe it will! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Become anEX!

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14 Respuestas

Excellent blog Thomas.... I am not sure what I am about to become as a result of this journey.....I have relished the adventure and the discoveries and friends I have made......I am excited about the future.......Thank you for being you


Thomas, this is one of the most extraordinary blogs I have ever read here on EX!    You are such a powerful presence here.  Your words are always so meaningful.  You have illuminated the journey to BECOME for so many of us.  Thank you, Thomas, for being YOU and for being HERE for all of us!  

xxxooo,  Sky


Great, really great, blog Thomas !!! I love what Sky SkyGirl said and I agree wholeheartedly !!! Thank You !

I would like to add that I had or tried to have, a vision of what it was like to be free of addiction like i was I was in my childhoodbut  I couldn't even remember what that was like but now I know and it feels great !

I just realized another thing about become - It's not something that is given to you from outside of yourself, no pills, patches, or prescriptions can make you become. You become what you decide to become. Personal responsibility. Were I to rewrite this blog I would definitely include this aspect of become.

Allow yourself to become - actively grow every day of your life! you don't fall or slip into quitting like you do relapse. You grow with all the growing pains along with it and become your better you each day!
