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A Recipe for a Forever Quit

I have been working on this recipe for 764 days.  You would think by now it is perfect but I truly beg to differ.  From my experience quit smoking recipes require occasional tweaking in order to remain forever quit.pastedImage_5.jpg

 Disclaimer:  Please be aware there are other recipes but this is one that has worked for me. It is general to avoid a lengthy blog some obvious steps may not be included.  Please note that some ingredients are main and others optional.


My recipe is divided into parts: I call them the P’s and not “peas”. Planning,   Preparing,  Practicing,  Perseverance,  and  Protection.

 Planning- Main ingredient Join a support group Set a date, follow the site guidelines Create your own quit kit (sample below)  NRT’s   Meds etc. (optional)


Preparing- Main ingredient

Education is the key to a successful quit. 

Learn about nicotine addiction.    

Suggested reading material is VERY important for preparation.

Read-Study-Research Relentlessly.   and

Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”.       


Practice- Main ingredient

            Practice reprogramming your mind that you do not have to smoke.  

            Unwash the brain washing. That you have not loss a thing. Relearn your thinking about smoking. 

            Self-Talk, can take you very far in making a forever quit.  Tell yourself that

            “You don’t do that anymore”. 

            Every time the thought of smoking comes say to yourself “I am non-smoker” and   
            Start “believing it!”

            Develop your own mantras  

            Change the lies your addictive brain has been taught.

            Stay close to the site as much as possible.

            Bookend your days here.

Perseverance- Main ingredient

Willingness to do whatever it takes not to smoke.  No Matter What!  When! Where! Who! or How difficult it may be. NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) Neither Life, Death, Divorce, Sickness, Hunger, Lonely, Tired, Angry Weight gain

NO EXcuses.                        

 Add:  Ingredients that can only come from you. 

Commitment, Determination, a Made up Mind.  Believe with all your Heart, Mind, Body, Soul and Might that YES you can do this because this is your recipe for a forever quit.


Protecting- Main Ingredient.

Now this is where the real work begins, protecting.  Do not become complacent and not guard your quit. Take all the tools and skills you have learned and keep them on the forefront to “use” whenever necessary.   Have a network of friends that you can talk to about smoking. Even though it is a choice, for me, I never allow smoking to be an option.  SINAO smoking is not an option.  Do something else. Choose freedom. Come here, blog ask for help BEFORE you smoke. Hang tough, Stay close, be mindful of what is going on around you and with you.  Don’t ever give up and never give in.


Example of quit kit

A list of why you quit

Book to read

Chrystal light

Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon toothpicks you can find these on

Coloring Books

Deep breathing

Emails of people that are supportive

Exercise videos

Fresh Fruit

Frozen grapes



Hobby have a hobby to keep you distracted

Ice chips

Lemon bit into it  (I think this one is from Dale what he tells people to do)

Links to a funny video to get you into a good mood




NRT gum

Other web sites you can find your friends at for support

Phone numbers of someone supportive

Puzzle book

Raw Vegetables

Red hots


Sunflower seeds

Tic tac

Tooth picks

Vicks vapor rub put a little bit under your nose during craves

Water bottle to keep with you all times


Etiquetas (2)
33 Respuestas

Thank you JACKIE1-25-15 this is a great blog but then again I enjoy reading all of your posts.


Even my rants? Well I only rant every now and then.  I think maybe, sometimes I am entitled or overdue so to speak. You were a light for me when I first came on EX.  Keep shining for those newbies. 


Everyone has a right every so often to let their feelings be heard, I certainly have before and probably will again, a good rant once in awhile can clear the air.  JACKIE1-25-15


I commented on this about five minutes ago and there were no other comments on it, is is posted in more than one place?  It's a great recipe, Jackie and, like all great recipes, they need to be tweaked according to the "chef."  


Yes I put in Newbie Quit so when this is all over it will be there.  Thanks for commenting. Soryy to have confused you but is was necessary. I could have changed it later as an after thought, anyways hope you are feeling well Lady E.  Have a pleasant night.  I am watching the Voice. 


I found it so I commented in both places.  I really like it, it's a great idea!  Have a wonderful evening, Lady Jackie.

I like this recipe. Thanks Jackie!


Wowser's Jackie this is awesome. Incredible dish,


I like your recipe Jackie!


I am todays newbie ! Tomorrow is my quit day. Scared but excited.